
Enforcer without its energy shield
An Enforcer with energy shield charged
Sentinel Enforcer on Delta Halo.

Enforcers are massive robotic automations designed by the Forerunners that serve to contain major Flood outbreaks on Halo Installations.

Enforcers are massive robotic automatons that serve to contain major Flood outbreaks. They are protected by an energy shield, but it only seems to protect the "front" on the machine. It is armed with rapid firing pulse beams, and mortar-like projectiles. It's mechanical grabbing arms can pick up entire vehicles if the driver is careless.

The Enforcer is energy shielded, and can absorb more damage than a normal Sentinel. The shield, which only guards the front area of the machine, is nearly immune to ballistic weapons, similar to the Jackal shield, but is weak against plasma weapons. It is also very strong, capable of withstanding up to three Scorpion shells or two Wraith shots.

An Enforcer is armed with rapid firing crystalline rounds similar to Needler shots , and mortar-like projectiles similar to those fired by the plasma turret. Its mechanical grabbing arms can pick up and crush even heavy vehicles such as Scorpion Tanks if the driver is careless. However, by hopping out of the vehicle you can keep yourself and the vehicle alive.

If you can shoot off its small needler shooting arms,and the small pair of energy mortars on its back it will start to fire an invisible sentinel beam. The beam, although invisible, the damage it does to walls can still be seen, and the sparks emitted show that the beam is a blue sentinel beam.

They were only observed on Installation 05.


  • Enforcer's front shields form a Marathon style logo.
  • The "crystalline guns" fire rounds similar to the Needler. Bungie did plan for another Sentinel weapon to be useable by the player referred to as the "Sentinel Needler" and "Red Needler". For reasons left to Bungie, this weapon was not in the game, but the Enforcer's weapon is most likely the same gun.
  • A misprint in the Official Halo 2: Strategy Guide made by Piggyback and Prima Games, mistakenly called the Enforcer a "Sentinel Major."
  • In the Spanish version of Halo 2 the Enforcer is called "Ejecutor" because enforce is to make complete and enforce in spanish is translated to execute or "Ejecutar".

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