Roland Freemont

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Admiral Roland Freemont was the FLEETCOM Sector One Commanding Officer. He was in charge of the defense of Reach, Tantalus and Jericho VII in 2552.


In 2552, when the Covenant attacked Reach, Freemont sent a signal to Reach, Tantalus, and Jericho VII demanding an immediate recall of all vessels to Reach, because a Fleet of some 300+ Covenant vessels had entered the system. He was presumed to be KIA when the Covenant destroyed FLEETCOM HQ. He also ordered the Cole Protocol to be issued immediately for all vessels and stations in the area before his assumed death.[1]

During the battle of Reach, Admiral Freemont was in command of the Epsilon Eridani Defense Fleet, the largest UNSC fleet outside of Sol, consisting of 100-150 ships and 20 Mark V MAC stations. During the battle, Freemont copied tactics used by Adm. Stanforth and organized his ship to fire in staggered salvo's and used refit ships as sacrificial shields.


  1. ^ The Fall of Reach, page 289