Do You Run this site?

Uh ye, do you own this site, no one else seems to do much, I know agentseethro sez he runs it, but thers nothing ive found by him.

AgentSeethroo runs it. I just take care of it for him because he's not here most of the time. If you check, the Main Page is made by him, at least. --Dragonclaws 16:44, 26 April 2006 (EDT)

you Make Videos?

I've made about 3 halo music videos. there kk. I can't believe I found sum1 else on this website who makes em. O ye, n my frend likes Queen. Nice 1!!!!! Any1 else here make videos of any kind? user:jonners

I've made two others, but I haven't posted them because I'm trying to figure out how to compress them effectively. I would suggest posting general polls in the forums, as I don't think everyone reads my talk page. --Dragonclaws 16:33, 25 April 2006 (EDT)
Or were you asking me if I knew of others? I don't think so. This guy says he makes machinima, but he never contibuted anything, so I don't think he counts. --Dragonclaws 17:05, 3 May 2006 (EDT)

One Vision Comment

Nice Vid Dragon Claws! go on www.jonah-the-whale and have a look at some of my Halo 2 Music vids. Jonners.

P.S it ends in


Why don't you lock the "Longsword" page and only unlock it when someone requests to update it? That way it stops being vandalized. -Ed 21:16, 29 Jan 2006 (EST)

Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. --Dragonclaws 21:50, 30 Jan 2006 (EST)

Well now, heh. I just uploaded a picture for the Longsword, but apparently it's locked.
I'll let you be the Judge :) --Spartan 119 14:24, 15 Mar 2006 (EST)

I've adjusted the lock. The page should now be open to all registered users. --Dragonclaws 06:17, 24 April 2006 (EDT)

Aw c'mon Dragonclaws. I got a great pic of a Longsword, and I care to much about this site to vandalise it. User: Jonners a its fine now thx.


Wait, is super bouncing considered cheating? I have seen evidence protecting both sides.

I think it's okay as long as we don't explicitly tell people how to use it in a cheating capacity. --Dragonclaws 23:33, 24 Mar 2006 (EST)\
It depends on how you use it. Superbouncing in a gametype like HGS/Zombies can be cheating, as well as using it to hide a bomb/flag. If you are using it for fun or for a lookout point or for some other reason, no. :Haloman333 17:14, 30 Mar 2006 (EST)

What about to snipe? (micahpharoh)

Talk Question

Hoe do you get your name and the current time to appear next to what you write? As you know, or may have guessed, I am new to the Wiki editing deal. -Spartan 119

Use this button:
sig8uq.png --Dragonclaws 01:36, 4 Mar 2006 (EST)

and to think i was doing that the hard way... ----SPARTAN-897 "Richard" 17:50, 18 Mar 2006 (EST)


Hey Dragonclaws! I was wondering if this wiki is also into multiplayer and Live?--Shmads 19:15, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)

General info is welcome. For the more in-depth stuff, H2 Wiki (not-affiliated) is a better place. --Dragonclaws 19:29, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)

I have had my differences with them, but thanks. But, could i make like, a strategy page?--Shmads 19:42, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)

Sure, I think that would be fine. --Dragonclaws 19:45, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)

Your Halo 3 Fanfic

your fanfic link is really good. Though it more like a story than a game. Its really goo though put some Master Chief in It - Spartan99 - 06:47, 11 Mar 2006

Thanks. It abandons game elements because it is sometimes illogical and while fun in a game it would be boring to read about, I think. I intend to shift to Master Chief's perspective as soon as the characters reach High Charity. --Dragonclaws 02:36, 11 Mar 2006 (EST)

We should get together and, using the known information on the Forerunner, create a fanfic of the Forerunner from the earliest known to the activation of Installation 05. maybe our story will be used by Bungie as a model for a game explaining all about the Forerunner and their history. --SPARTAN-897 "Richard" 20:20, 22 Mar 2006 (EST)

Bungie has said in an interview that although they occasionally read fanfics and may make note of the things fans have interest in, they would never base any of their stuff on it, that they've got enough ideas on their own. --Dragonclaws 21:43, 22 Mar 2006


I think we should still, even if Bungie dosen't use any of our ideas. It's for the fans.--SPARTAN-897 "Richard" 17:45, 23 Mar 2006 (EST)

I'm willing to try. How do you intend for us to go about it? --Dragonclaws 19:00, 23 Mar 2006 (EST)

Hmm....what time zone are you in maybe we can like get together every other night and brainstorm for the chapter that we are currently working on. I am pretty good a typing. It only took me a few seconds to type all of this --SPARTAN-897 "Richard" 22:16, 24 Mar 2006 (EST)

I'm in -8, Pacific. I'm afraid I don't type very fast myself. I'm a bit unclear as to how we are to write in conjuntion, could you elaborate? --Dragonclaws 22:46, 24 Mar 2006 (EST)

Im in Central Time so...yea....anyways..I was thinking along the lines that we brainstorm technologies and stuff like that. Then we come up with characters...a plot line the enemy Forerunner just didn't fight the flood... they had to of had conflicts with something other than the flood. Then you (since your good at it) come up with a storyline send it to me ill typ it up send it back to you were it will be checked for grammar and spelling and word usage. we'll review for a second time making minor corrections to the story then you or me will post it somewhere. --SPARTAN-897 "Richard" 22:35, 25 Mar 2006 (EST)

Yeah, so you want to meet in IM or email eachother to brainstorm and stuff? --Dragonclaws 01:36, 10 May 2006 (EDT)

IT's HERE!!!!

halo 3 has been announced!!! PLEASE edit the halo 3 page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo! It's been unlocked. --Dragonclaws 19:35, 9 May 2006 (EDT)

PLEASE edit the main page so that everyone knows, they probibly don't look at the bungie update every day like I do (BUNGIE RULES) (micahpharoh) Also the navigation box so it says Halo 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Done and done. Although, I'll take away the first one in a week or so when it becomes common knowledge. --Dragonclaws 01:12, 10 May 2006 (EDT)


Im Glad you like my Truth Pic. I have tons of screenshots I can use for this site, but I dont want to be an upload whore.

There's no real policy on the images, so just try to use some moderation. --Dragonclaws 15:12, 27 May 2006 (EDT)

Just letting you know

Just letting you know it's "", not "" Just letting you know. File:Tampo.png Tampo (T/C) File:Tampo.png 15:01, 21 May 2006 (EDT)

Yeah, thanks. It's been fixed. --Dragonclaws 02:04, 22 May 2006 (EDT)


Hi. For some reason in my preferences in the nickname box it says: {{SUBST:User:Tampo/sig}}. Why is is like that? Also when i got rid of the SUBST: and clicked save the SUBST: was still there. File:Tampo.png Tampo (T/C) File:Tampo.png 15:04, 21 May 2006 (EDT)

I'm afraid I really don't know much about this area of the wiki software. I would suggest looking around for help. Is it really a problem, though? The template itself seems to work on its own. Does the sig come out funny? --Dragonclaws 02:49, 22 May 2006 (EDT)
No, it comes out normal. Look in the edit box. When i type 4 tildes it copies my signature. File:Tampo.png Tampo (T/C) File:Tampo.png 09:35, 22 May 2006 (EDT)
So it may not be a problem, just the way it labels things. I didn't know if you were using the tildes or if you just copy+pasted from notepad or something. I've never used the nickname feature myself; also I don't know what the sig was supposed to look like, rather than its final form. --Dragonclaws 15:20, 22 May 2006 (EDT)

Thanks a lot

Hi Dragonclaws thanks for helping me with the picture on my user page. Now I have new pictures on my user page. Drop by any time to see them.Reply to me as soon as possible.--Master Chief 18:39, 21 May 2006 (EDT)

Sure, happy to help. Yeah, nice selection of images. A suggestion: it might improve the look of the page to sit the images side by side, rather than stretch out the page by having them as thumbs. --Dragonclaws 03:15, 22 May 2006 (EDT)

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it. A user that used to exist on the old.Halopedia site but has chosen not to migrate to the new dawn. 19:01, 22 May 2006 (EDT)

Question Reguarding modding.

So you DO allow modded shots if they are realistic to the "Halo-universe"? Like The Jackal on the ight time Outskirts I uploaded?

Kind of a stupid question I know, since you have that Shot of Truth on your profile. But I saw you delated Some from the spartan article. I'd say the one with the two spartans departing form the pelicans are realistic.

And I also guess you dont mind that I list stuff about weapon compatibility, although its not seen normally in-game. All the stuff I put is something they have the animations and ability to use reguardless if you see it normally or not.

Yeah, the realistic images make sense. I thought the ones in Spartans didn't look very realistic. But yeah, the pelican one does work. I'll upload it. And I think the weapon lists are interesting enough to be appropriate. --Dragonclaws 21:49, 22 May 2006 (EDT)

Lock Halo 2 page

can u lock the Halo 2 and Halo pages. They keep getting pumpkin grenade advertisements


Hey Dragonclaws can me and Tampo be admins on the Halopedia? I heard you don't have that many admins here. So can you? Reply to me as soon as possible.— MASTER CHiEF (T/C) File:01mc.jpg 18:26, 2 June 2006 (EDT)

I believe the current admins can handle it. Should we ever need more, the job will be offered to one (or more) of the members. The job won't be provided upon request. --Dragonclaws 00:19, 3 June 2006 (EDT)

Articles for removal

I've found three -- all of them contain typo in article's name and (IMNSHO) should be removed:

UNSC Levitahan

Ryan 19:50, 2 June 2006 (EDT)

Okay, they're deleted. --Dragonclaws 00:11, 3 June 2006 (EDT)


Escuse me Dragonclaws.

I come from much experience at Wikipedia and especially the Wookiepedia (, and i'm very used to a certain format. Granted, this is just one guy grumbling, but i think i have a valid point. If you look at my recent additions to the file of Avery Jones Johnson, this is a great change from the format of the rest of the artices. However, allow me to explain. I see this as an encyclopedia, written after all of these events have ocured in the past tense. I also beleive the articles would benefit from having the images within them rather than following, making the article more user friendly and easier on the eye.

take a look at the Wookiepeidia's format. Personally, i like the way its organized and was thinking of starting one with a similar format, but dealing with Halo. Seeing that this already exists, i am coming looking for a better way to organize the articles here. Please take a look at the article and tell me what you think of it, seeing as you are an admin here. please give me feedback on how you think the others would accept this new style: no real-world references within bios, technical names of weapons instead of nicknames (M12 LRV as opposed to warthog/SR AM Sniper Rifle rather than sniper rifle), and a few more minor deelies here and there.

another issue which brings me here is the naming of the covenant. Personally, i do not like how the main title is "Grunt" or "Jackal" rather than "Unggoy" or "Kig-Yar". In my beleifs, shouldn't the proper name be the title, and then other cultural nomenclature come second? Redirects are not that hard to do, so it's not as if the other articles would be messed up with these changes. Just a thought.

thanks for listening.


I think it was a excellent overhaul of the article. Wookiepedia does indeed seem to be a well-functioning wiki, and its format does look appealing. I would agree that Halopedia could do with some reformating, any help would be appriciated.
Until a few months ago, we were unable to upload images to the wiki. They had to be linked in from off-site, and, if you wanted them on the side of the page, you had to use html. It was out of convenience that we just stuck them all under a header at the bottom. Now that the uploading works, I have been trying to move images to the sides of the articles, however, it is hard when there are more images than there is room.
As for the race names, while "Unggoy" is the proper name of the race, this has only been mentioned in Conversations from the Universe. The average gamer will not understand if he starts reading about how to kill SpecOps Sangheili, and will have to visit each page to realize which species is being refered to. Similarly, the English Wikipedia uses Japanese people as the article title, only noting that they refer to themselves as "Nihon-jin". --Dragonclaws 16:46, 4 June 2006 (EDT)

Xbox Live

Hey dragonclaws, send me a FR at Parp555 --Haloman333


How do you change the color of a template??? -gb2u

If you look at the template here, there are these "#"s followed by six alphanumeric characters, which denote color. The characters are hexadecimal, going from 0 - 15, but using letters A - F after 9. The first two characters determine how much red goes into it, with 00 being none and FF being maximum. The other character sets are green and blue, respectively. Specific color codes can be found on lists on the web, or in color slection menus of graphic programs. --Dragonclaws 09:28, 30 June 2006 (EDT)

Halo Mods

Can there be a modding section in the Halo Glitches and Tricks page? - patd

You mean telling people how to mod, right? If you mean for Xbox, I'm afraid of some people messing up their systems do to inaccurate instructions. As I don't mod myself, I can't correct any misinformation which may be added. Perhaps it would just be best to link to another site in the Modding article. However, if you mean PC, you can just reinstall, right? If so, I think PC would be all right. --Dragonclaws 10:12, 30 June 2006 (EDT)