Minors are the lowest rank in the Grunt ranks, often throwing themselves at their enemies and more deserving of the title "canon fodder" than any other Grunt ranking. Bearing light-orange methane re breathers, They are often sent into battle with careless indifference to their survival. They occasionally have been observed piloting Ghosts, however this duty is usually taken up by a Heavy Weapons Grunt, due to their superior driving abilities.
These Grunts have been observed to be extremely unintelligent and dogmatically loyal to the Covenant and it's values. The Hierarchy intentionally keeps the Unggoy as ignorant as possible. Although attempts at wiping out their cultural heritage within the Covenant has been underway, it has stubbornly persisted in even the lowliest of Unggoy. These Grunts throw themselves into battle with no concept of self-worth, fully dedicated to the Great Journey and will often act as Martyr's to the cause, attacking overbearing enemies head on and committing suicide to down an enemy.
Usually found brandishing Plasma Pistols and Needlers, these Grunts are the most cowardly beings in all of the Covenant ranks and are an easy kill. Taking out an Elite overseer or a Major Grunt will usually cause all Minor Grunts in the area to lose discipline and flee the battle.
In the game, these characters are often best left taken care of last. Although several of them can be a threat, most players will be able to handle them easily as long as no separate threat exists.
Many techniques are used to kill Grunts. Generally the most effective method is to use a mid-range scoped weapon or close-range weapon like the Assault Rifle or SMG. These creatures are extremely susceptible to headshots, and one round from any weapon with a scope will kill them. They will stumble back or run in panic when shot at, making them easy targets for melee attacks. Minor Grunts are particularly vulnerable to explosives. A single grenade a few feet away from the Grunt will kill it. Almost every weapon in the player's arsenal, with the exception of small Plasma-based weaponry like the Plasma Pistol, can kill these creatures quickly.
Minor Grunts are usually led by a Minor Domo or a Grunt Major. They will usually run in fear and attempt to find cover if their leader(s) have died, though they will often regain composure and attempt to shoot after ten to fifteen seconds.
- Minors are perhaps (with maybe the exception of Flood Infection Forms) the most common enemy in the Halo series, appearing in nearly every level of Halo: CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3