Template:FOF-1 Template:Covenant Rank Infobox

Major is a Covenant Grunt rank. Only one step higher than Minor Grunts in rank, these Grunts are slightly more powerful than their lesser counterparts. They often lead Grunt Minors in battle, and sometimes entire Lances when no Elite is present. However, even these higher-ranked Grunts hold no power over any other forces in Covenant society.


Major Grunts usually wield Plasma Pistols and Needlers, but occasionally one will carry a Fuel Rod Cannon in later stages of the games. They are far more experienced than Minors, mainly because of their higher rank. They throw grenades very frequently, especially on higher difficulties. In Halo 2, however, the AI is improved and they tend to behave with much more stealth. Major Grunts are slightly harder to kill, but it is still effective to either melee attack them from behind or kill them with a headshot using a Pistol or a Battle rifle (though they are known to take more than one when faced with a Magnum). Also, they appear not to run away as often as their Minor counterparts, which is a plus for fighting as they do not brandish their vulnerable backsides. In most skirmishes with them, you will note that the attack structure of them seems to be Minor Grunts first, followed by themselves, followed by Elites. It can also be noted that they tend to strafe more often, dodging most Plasma weaponry and the slow bullets of a Magnum.


Major Grunts often appear leading several Minors into combat, but they sometimes appear by themselves. The first Major you'll see in Halo 1 is right after you get your M6D in the Pillar Of Autumn Level (Level). In Halo 2 it's most likely during your fight in Hangar A-01. In Halo CE and Halo 2, they will almost completely replace Minor Grunts on higher difficulty levels. This can be quite the pain in the neck, as they are much tougher.


Major Grunts are deployed with all other types of Grunt. Mostly Minors. In the Games, they are usually the first one to jump out of the Dropships.

Template:Grunt Ranks