Halo Zero Level Editor

Revision as of 15:10, January 24, 2009 by (talk) (→‎Summary)


The Halo Zero Level Development Tool is a level editor for Halo Zero that allows you to make modifications that you can play without any parent-application. If you want to find or share modifications you should look at the Halo Zero Modifications website

The current version of the Halo Zero Editor is 1.0.1 and has been available since 2006. The dev tool will most likely not be updated anymore since Dobermann lost his cd-key to the program he made it in.

The current version of the level editor is quite unstable and you have to back the levels up quite often.

If you don't have adminstrator rights on the computer you use you can download a zipped version HERE


The Level Editor allows players, mainly the members of the Halo Zero Community, to mod maps.

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