The following is a list of lore discrepancies in the Road to Halo video series.

Pt. 1 - The History of War

  • Footage from the games is used to capture the general aesthetic of a time period, rather than adhering to canonical placement. Example: the deglassing operation on Meridian takes place after the Covenant War, but is used as a stand-in for early industrial colonies prior to Reach.
  • Epsilon Indi's location on the star map is addressed in The Location of Harvest.
  • Because the Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition) released after this video's script and narration were complete, some lore details and retcons were not included (see below).
  • The six proposed space tether sites shown were: Quito, Havanah, Lagos, Mombasa, Mumbai, and Singapore. The actual locations were: Quito, Havanah, Malabo, New Mombasa, Colombo, Borneo, Aranuka.[1]
  • There remains some debate about whether humanity settled worlds outside the Sol system before Reach, which was colonized by the Odyssey in 2362 and marked the beginning of the Domus Diaspora. The original timeline states that colony ships were "unveiled" in 2310, and the Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition) states extrasolar colonies Juneou and Titus had colonization dates of 2330 and 2355 respectively. An explanation as to why humanity unveiled their ships in 2310 and then waited 52 years to start the colonization process has yet to be given, beyond "decades of planning".[2] Most sources state that the Odyssey was the very first colony ship and Reach the very first colony. Until these facts are resolved by official sources, in the Extrasolar Era section of the video I have made some "headcanon" attempts to resolve this discrepancy, proposing that there were extrasolar colonies before Reach, but that they were industrial/science outposts rather than true civilian colonies. This preserves the unique storytelling potential of the 52-year interval.
  • This video states that the Epsilon Eridani system was colonized in the order: Reach, Tribute, Circumstance, Beta Gabriel.[3] The order given by the Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition) was: Reach, Beta Gabriel, then Tribute and Circumstance the same year.[4]
  • Although the line between Inner and Outer Colonies has been described as a geometric sphere,[5] the map in this video allowed the animator creative freedom to portray an alternative boundary.

Pt. 2 - Spartan-II

In progress...


  1. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 32
  2. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 21
  3. ^ Halo Waypoint - Universe, Locations, Tribute (Retrieved on Jun 1, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
  4. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 50
  5. ^ Halo: Evolutions, The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole