Phoenix Logs/Banished Buildings/Harvester

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Phoenix log artwork

Supply acquisition.

Harvesters are extraction sites that delve into the Ark's interior to tap raw feedstock that is then converted into Supplies used by the Banished. To meet ever-increasing production quotas. the Augmented Harvester upgrade is needed, which accelerates Supply generation.

The Ark belongs to Atriox, all others in the Banished are entitled only to the scraps he deems fit for their fit for their hands. under his control. The Harvesters are but one link in a chain that ultimately extends from the Ark to the Banished forces carrying out other phases of his plan in the Orion Arm of the galaxy. Though important, ultimately every outpost is expendable, and talented overseers can parlay even seeming defeat into praise and promotion if they exceed Atriox’s estimates for harvested profit when they come under attack.