
Transmission Log

Revision as of 09:48, July 11, 2024 by CIA391 (talk | contribs) (Got lucky with this.)
The countdown website's first appearance.

Transmission Log, also known as, was a website tied to the first episode of Iris called "The Unknown Helper". Found on the last page of the Halo 3: The Cradle of Life comic, the Transmission Log featured a countdown on it that was running down in base 7 integers to the June 21, 2007.[1][2]


Found on the last page of the Halo 3: The Cradle of Life comic, the Transmission Log featured a countdown on it that was running down in base 7 integers to the June 21, 2007. Periodically the text changed, giving updates that seemingly related to the status of Adjutant Reflex who was interacting with users on Bungie.net. Periodically the text changed, giving updates that seemingly related to the status of Adjutant Reflex who was interacting with users on Bungie.net.

On June 18 the site had a "System Breach" where the countdown speed increased, and on 1 PM Eastern Standard time the timer on the countdown ran down to 0. It was shortly replaced by a much longer, much slower moving countdown. And then replaced later with a stationary countdown with the numbers '001 012 034 053' on June 19. On June 20 the site redirected users to the Bounce Path Control and by extension the first Server.


In the following series of text changes on the countdown website; "0" represents the numbers in the countdown. From left to right, the four three-digit numbers represented days, hours, minutes and seconds.

June 14 (Evening)

The countdown website's first appearance.

Iris Initiated - Vio Transmit + 3 588 000

Searching Re-route...... /confirmed/

System Bypass In Progress. - Realignment Proceeding

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 14 (Midnight)

The countdown website's second appearance.

Rotate Transition Point /negative/

Local Interference - Negligible

/confirmed/ Realignment Proceeding

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 15 (Midnight)

The countdown website's third appearance.

/confirm bounce alignment/

Confirmed - Alignment Request Compiling

Hibernation Resumed

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 16 (Midnight)

The countdown website's fourth appearance.

Transmission Interruption - Go Dark /negative/

Possible Intercept - System Bypass Imminent

/adjust bypass according to threat/ Fluctuating

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 17 (Midnight)

Iris Transmission Complete.

Awaiting Delivery

/time to awareness/

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 18 (Mid-afternoon)

System Breach.

Failure ##myqse7##rf


000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 19 (Midnight)

The countdown website's seventh appearance.

/system override/

Core Relevance 37% and Rising.

/negative - system control diverted

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 19 (2PM PDT)

/Systemic failure. Root cause unknown./

/ rebooting /

000 000 000 000 Remaining

June 19 (12:00AM EDT)

001 012 034 053 Remaining


Mount Elgon Caldera.

If the countdown timer numbers "001-012-034-053" are treated as GPS coordinates 1.12, 34.53, it results in a location in South Africa, the point is in the middle of the largest caldera in the world, at the tip of Mount Elgon, also home to some "unusual caves", and not far from Voi.



  1. ^ Transmission Log: June 16 (Retrieved on Jun 16, 2007) [archive]
  2. ^ Transmission Log: June 18 (Retrieved on Jun 18, 2007) [archive]