Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Yoroi/Attachments

Helmet Attachments
Helmet Attachment Manufacturer Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements Compatible Helmets
Icon for the Ambition's Crown attachment.
Ambition's Crown
Fracture: Tenrai The favor of the Imperial Court is a treacherous prize. Epic Tenrai III Event Pass level 8
  • Hatamoto
Icon for the Courtly Display attachment.
Courtly Display
Fracture: Tenrai Some edicts require a degree of ceremony. Epic Tenrai IV Operation Pass level 20
  • Azechi
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Imperial Crest
Fracture: Tenrai Wearing the family crest of the Imperial household is an honor granted only to a brave few. Legendary Purchase "Meditative State" Bundle from the Shop for 1,000 cR
  • Hikeshi
Samurai who embarrass the imperial household by flaunting legal immunities and war-gifts will find there are worse fates than being marked for death by the shinobi clans. (Fracture/Tenrai, Legendary)
Final Resolve
Fracture: Tenrai Samurai who embarrass the imperial household by flaunting legal immunities and war-gifts will find there are worse fates than being marked for death by the shinobi clans. Legendary Purchase "Ikari Legacy" Bundle from the Shop for 2,200 cR
  • Ikari
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Spring Blossom Filter
Fracture: Tenrai Missions in fetid underground warrens inhabited by the Covenant and native terrors requires special preparation and equipment. Legendary Fractures: Tenrai Event Pass level 26
  • Yokai
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Staghelm Crest
Fracture: Tenrai Heraldry and symbolism associated with the elusive mountain stag is popular among western clans. Legendary Fractures: Tenrai Event Pass level 29
  • Kabuto
Proof of mastery in the arts of war. (Fracture: Tenrai/Legendary)
Temple Champion
Fracture: Tenrai Proof of mastery in the arts of war. Legendary Purchase "Kendo Master" Bundle from the Shop for 2,200 cR
  • Kendo
Icon of the Tengu's Gift helmet attachment.
Tengu's Gift
Fracture: Tenrai The hidden teachers pass their skills on to the most worthy of samurai. Legendary Purchase the "Otomosho" bundle from the Shop for 1,500 cR
  • Otomosho
Icon of the Unshed Valor helmet attachment icon.
Unshed Valor
Fracture: Tenrai May the season never change. Legendary Purchase the "Redwaters" or "Dragonborn" bundle from the Shop for 1,600 cR or 3,400 cR respectively
  • Hakushika
  • Kendo
Icon of the Windbown
Windblown Mask
Fracture: Tenrai This mask allows the wear to filter and breath air befouled by the Covenant's domination spires. Legendary Purchase "Chonmage Armor Set" Bundle from the Shop for 2,000 cR
  • Chonmage