
Site 22

Revision as of 19:38, October 10, 2023 by BaconShelf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Status|Canon}} '''Site 22''' is a location known to house the Flood. At some point, the UNSC starship {{UNSCShip|Saturn}} was deployed to the site in support of a Spartan Flood containment Fireteam. During the engagement, the team fell to the parasite, forcing Captain Alvarez to declare the CORRUPTER and UPSILON protocols; all personnel on-site were given seven minutes to evacuate befor...")
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Site 22 is a location known to house the Flood. At some point, the UNSC starship UNSC Saturn was deployed to the site in support of a Spartan Flood containment Fireteam. During the engagement, the team fell to the parasite, forcing Captain Alvarez to declare the CORRUPTER and UPSILON protocols; all personnel on-site were given seven minutes to evacuate before bombardment from the ship's weapons commenced.[1]

Given its naming similar to the Epsilon Eridani system's Site 17 and the presence of the Flood, it is likely that Site 22 is Forerunner in nature.
