
Covenant supply case

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An Almar-pattern repository.
An Almar-pattern repository.

The Covenant supply case[1][2], also known as an Almar-pattern repository, or informally known as a space crate by UNSC forces[3][4], is a device used to store supplies for Covenant encampments.


Design details

Covenant supply cases are typically large rounded boxes in various colors, ranging from magenta, maroon, and blue.


The supply cases can carry any Covenant weapon. The crates are nearly identical to the early Covenant communication nodes, and are possibly modified supply cases. A typical supply case is 1.82 meters, or 5 feet 11 inches, high.[5] Flood Pod infectors have also been known to hide in crates and surprise those who open them, requiring inspections on all crates.[6]

A variant of the Covenant comm node bearing resemblance to the supply case has also been observed in use by the Covenant during the Battle of Installation 04.[7] These boxes appear to be upside-down supply cases with a keyboard attachment and three antennae sticking out of the top.




See also