Sangheili is a language created for the Halo: The Television Series created by David Peterson, creator of the Dothraki language used in Game of Thrones,[1], and Carl Buck.[2]
Peterson posts transcripts for the words and their translations in a series of posts on Archive of Our Own, accessible here. See also David Petersons records here.
Sangheili, the language featured in the show, is a language spoken by the Sangheili, as well as generally inside the Covenant, an alien alliance that worships the Halo Array. The language is a lightly inflectional head-final language with distinctive vowel length and ejectives.
Sangheili uses Standard American Romanization. Ejective consonants are written with a following apostrophe, and the r is the tap [ɾ]. The language has long vowels, represented by a doubled vowel, and occasionally has geminates, also written doubly. Likely the most challenging aspect of the phonology are the consonants with a velar release. These are written as if they began with a consonant cluster, but they occur at every point of articulation—namely, pkh [pˣ], tkh [tˣ], kkh [kˣ], and qkh [qˣ], and even the fricative (or fricative-ending) consonants skh [sˣ], shkh [ʃˣ], and chkh [tʃˣ]
Grammar and Morphology
Singular | Plural | ||
Inclusive | Exclusive | ||
First Person | jan | riin | jaari |
Second Person | k'e | k'iri | |
Third Person Animate | mu | muuri | |
Third Person Inanimate | tkha | tkhaari |
Case Particles / Postpositions
These particles are placed after an object.
Type | Particle | Use |
Ablative | ga | |
Adessive | ni | |
Allative | oni | |
Elative | ba | |
Ergative | o | |
Illative | zhi | |
Inessive | me | |
Vocative | ghu |
Verb Tenses
Dynamic | Stative | Suffix | |
Bare | Imperative | Present | |
Reduplicative | Imperfect | Emphatic | Varies |
Inceptive | Inceptive | Inchoative | -(i)khi |
Completive | Perfect | Cessive | -(i)tan |
Declarative | Present | Probabilitive | -(i)jo |
Witnessed | Emphatic | Past | -(i)ji |
Overheard | Uncertain | Possibilitive | -(i)jen |
Prospective | Future | Future | -(i)jaga (irregular -chaga) |
Negative | Reverse action | Contrary state | -eya |
Yes or No Question | -jahe[3] |
Adjective | Singular | Plural | Adverb | |
Proximal | ne | ine | niri | nis |
Medial | zo | uzo | zuri | zus |
Distal | tkha | athka | tkhaari | tkhaas |
Unknown | ba | aba | baari | baas |
Negative | ii | ngajo | ngamaas |
Basic Nouns / Names
- Ch'adomo : Spartan(s)
- Ch'ambuujo : Hierarch(s)
- Ch'anggagomo : Halo, The Halo Ring
- Qkhado Ch'anggagomo : The Sacred Ring, The Holy Ring
- Ch'awaruutu : The Journey
- Oq'o Ch'awaruutu : The Great Journey
- Domo : Human(s)
- Gaik'inat'u : Regret, regret
- Ghashank'o : Demon, Master Chief
- Hirajo : Blessed One
- Juukhojo : Prophet(s)
- Q'iitu : Prophet of Mercy, mercy
- Maduriga: Madrigal
- Mak'ii : Makee
- Oq'ogakha : Keystone
- Sangheli : Sangheili
- Shak'o : The Path, the way
- Shandi : The Covenant, alliance
- T'iiwajo : Heretic(s)
- aamu : god(s), deity(ies)
- akke : hand
- baan : spine or back, behind
- baashi : ceremony
- bak'ontu : justice
- bambit'a : to promise
- bambit'agha : promise
- banghaina : to sense, to pick up on (derived from the verb: ghaina)
- bekkhajo : creature, animal
- bojo : woman
- ch'aamosik'o : to understand, to comprehend
- ch'anaani : pillar
- ch'anik'o : to see
- ch'anik'otan : saw
- ch'anik'oji : seen
- ch'anu : head
- ch'imo : take, get, gain
- chkhan : all, whole, endless
- chkhan ba : all by
- chkhan ni : over all
- diibe : where (conjunction), in/to a particular place, at/from which (See also: ghaadi)
- dokkhat'u : kindness
- duje : to molt
- dzana : woman, mortal female
- dzima : brave
- dzumu : to be sharp
- dzuk'uuchi : battled
- et'ojo : swordsman(men)
- eya : no
- gadi : lower mandible
- gaibaat'u : fortune, riches
- gaiduje : to sully, to pollute (derived from the verb: duje)
- gaikhawa : to guess, to predict (derived from the verb: khawa)
- gakha : rocks, stones
- ghaadi : where, in what place or position (See also: diibe)
- ghaina : to hear
- ghaazhi : [causal conjunction] (Because..., So..., For..., If..., When...)
- ghaq'aaga : map
- guulo : master(s)
- haala : strong
- haali : stronger
- hira : bless, praise
- hodu : wait, pause
- ik'o : eye(s)
- ikhi : now, presently
- ikhi ga : right now, right away, immediately
- ikhi jaya : come quickly, come now
- ikhi baazhi : previously
- jaja : perhaps
- jan : [First Person Singular] : I, me
- jaya : come, arrive
- jayaleya : can not arrive
- jayatan : arrived
- juuch'i : to adopt, to embrace
- juukhawa : to claim (derived from the verb: khawa)
- juun : upper mandible
- juunduje : to make look good, act good, perform well (derived from the verb: duje)
- k'aidon : kaidon
- k'e : [Second Person Singular] : you, your
- k'iis : light
- k'iisho : luminary
- k'ung : both
- k'unjo : others, the rest
- k'utkho : to fight
- k'uucho : warrior(s), fighter(s)
- khaayagha : profit, benefit
- khawa : to say
- khebit'a : to have, to possess
- khech'imo: retrieve, bring, reclaim
- khekhawa : to respond (derived from the verb: khawa)
- kheluuga : artifact, relic
- khis : mongrel
- khobu : fire (from a weapon), to shoot
- khobuuya : hold your fire, cease firing
- khoya : wise
- khuut'a : brother(s), kin
- kkhaaya : worthy
- kkhaayeya : not worthy, hardly worth
- kkhagadza : affirmative, that's right
- la'ajo : twin, partner, counterpart
- lakhi : to rise up, to ascend
- loshkho : to show
- loloshkho : reveal
- luk'a : spear
- luuka : blood
- maaro : to seek, to search
- maarotan : found
- q'amaaro : keep looking, continue searching
- maasa : time, period, length of event
- maaziit'u : revenge
- maikhu : tool, device
- matkha : kill, slay
- matkhaji : killed, slew
- matkhaya : do not kill
- mejaya : get ready, prepare
- mejayajo : preparing
- mejayaq'u : get equipped
- moduje : to lose track of (derived from the verb: duje)
- mobaat'u : revelation
- mogha : waves
- mos : brain, mind
- mosone : counsel, advice
- moq'aaji : pious, devout
- moq'aajo : zealot(s)
- mu : him/her, himself/herself
- muuri : [Third Person plural] they, them
- nejo : father(s)
- ngani : to need, to obtain
- nizhi : also, in addition, about, as well
- nujut'u : weakness
- ogha : foot
- ogha ni : near, close
- oq'o : great, glorious, noble
- oq'otu : glory
- p'ikhe : creature, animal
- pkha : [an auxiliary marking an order]
- pkhada : stop, halt, cease
- q'a : but
- q'ii : dead, death, demising
- qkhaat'u : holiness
- qkhado : holy, sacred
- qkhan : enemy(ies)
- qkhe : [interjection] oh
- riikhe : as a group, collectively
- riikhe ni : together, all together
- riikhe oni : regroup, rally together
- riikhe zi : among, in company
- riin : us, we
- rotkho : flesh, skin, hide
- ruq'a : fire
- ruq'ota : to burn
- ruuk'ina : to attack
- shaadat'u : loyalty
- shkhoot'u : sign, signal
- t'iis : word
- t'ighaina : to hear and understand, to read one another (derived from the verb: ghaina)
- t'ikhawa : to chat, to speak with (derived from the verb: khawa)
- t'ulu : bone
- tkha : [Inanimate Third Person] it(s)
- tkhaari : those, them
- tkhaas : that
- tkhazhi : then, and then
- tkhahan : to finish, to complete
- tkhet'a : species, people, ilk, kin
- tkhunga : to send, to deliver
- tkhungat'u : herald, bearer
- tkhuyujo : ancients, forerunner(s)
- tskha : to do
- ts'uuchaga : yes
- ts'uutsughaleya : impossible
- uro : claws
- uutu : evil
- waaka : gift, offering
- gawaaka : sacrifice
- waqkhi : to leave, to allow
- warut'o : go, forward, charge (inspired by wort from the games)
- q'awarut'o : continue on, onward
- wele : ship, vessel
- welekkhosa : retreat
- yodu : soon
- zhuro : weapon(s)
Sangheili war chant : The Ballad of Kel 'Darsam
These are only the first eight lines of a lengthier poem.[4]
English | Sangheili |
Born of woman, fathered by Deity, Kel ‘Darsam was a pillar of piety, | Dzana bojo ba, aamu nejo ba, K’elo Daasamu moq’aaji, ch’anaani, |
Brave and noble, strong and wise, he sought only justice and no other prize, | Dzima ze oq’o, haala ze khoya, gaibaat’u ba q’a bak’ontu maaroji, |
He battled with monsters, slew terrible beasts, to make his lands safe and to guarantee peace, | Mu o ghashank’o dzuk’uuchi, matkhaji; tkhaati’ni baat’u, dzukhunt’u waqkho’ni, |
But jealous were others, who envied his grace, a rival Kaidon sought his rival’s disgrace, | Q’a k’unjo’ mu’m ch’apkhaat’u ghamaaziji, K’aidon o mu juutkhoma maaroji, |
But a cowardly fighter, disgraced and defeated, took aim at the two as they finally retreated, | Q’a juutkhaat’u ba nuju k’uucho o muuri ni welekkhosa ni dzushkhaatan, |
Kel ‘Darsam fell, spear in his back, down to the rocks where the waves did crack, | Mu ni baan me luk’a o K’elo Daasamu mogha ni gakha oni ts’aatan, |
But as Kel was falling, the sun was arising, the first rays of Urs halted ‘Darsam’s demising, | K’elo ni ts’aha ni has o ruuekhi tkhazhi Daasamu ba q’ii pkhadatan, |
The light found him godly with noble intention, and embraced him as kin and confirmed his ascension. | K’iis o aamu ni mu maaroji, tkhazhi tkha o tkhet’a oni mu juuch’iitan. |
- ^ Twitter, Kiki Wolfkill (@k_wolfkill): "@CharlieBMurphy literally learned an entire new language and performed beautifully in that language. Unreal. Language created by David Peterson who created Dothraki for GoT #HaloWatchParty" (Retrieved on Mar 25, 2022) [archive]
- ^ Twitter, C. Buck (@tlacamazatl): "If you have #ParamountPlus, are a fan of #HaloSeries , and enjoy a good #conlang. You might be interested to know that I helped @Dedalvs develop the language for the Covenant." (Retrieved on Apr 6, 2022) [archive]
- ^ Twitter - David J. Peterson
- ^ Archive of Our Own - Conlang Dialogue: The Ballad of Kel Darsam