
A Remote Scanning Outpost located on the edge of the Epsilon Eridani system, the Fermion was designed to detect incoming threats to the Reach military complex. It was crewed by three individuals. On August 30, 2552, the Fermion detected a fleet of over 300 Covenant vessels entering the Epsilon Eridani system. Prior to identifying the transient Slipspace contact, it attempted to initiate the Cole Protocol. However, the station's science library (which contained every UNSC Astrophysics journal) was offline for repairs and could not be erased with the viral scavengers. The Fermion alerted FleetCom and the last order the commanding officer gave was to lock out the reactor safeties and flood the reactor with deuterium. It is presumed that the station then self-destructed.[1]

The three man crew of the Fermion were the late Chief Petty Officer McRobb, Lieutenant, Junior Grade Bill Streeter, and Lieutenant (J.G.) David Brightling.[2]

The Fermion was also referred to as a "Remote Sensing Station,"[2] however it fulfilled the same role as the Archimedes and can be classified in the same way.
