Echo 206 was a Pelican dropship attatched to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn in 2552. When that vessel crashed on Installation 04, this dropship was spared from destruction by its pilot, who launched it as the Autumn descended into the atmosphere.
The vessel then met up with other human survivors at Alpha Base where it was assigned to run supply missions from the Autumn to Alpha Base, along with Pelican Echo 136.
NOTE: This particular pelican is never mentioned again, and it is probable that it was one of the pelicans which ferried the ODST strike force to the Truth and Reconciliation. Since its pilot is never mentioned and it is never confirmed destroyed, it is possible to assume that its pilot was Warrant Officer Polaski and that it was the only Pelican to survive when the Truth and Reconciliation was destroyed. In that case, Echo 206 was destroyed during the attack on the Ascendant Justice during the Master Chief's plan to take over that vessel.