List of Blitz cards/Infantry

< List of Blitz cards
Revision as of 21:12, April 10, 2023 by (talk)
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Image Name Rarity Energy Cost Role Faction Leader Restriction Y-Ability Passive Abilities
Blitz Grunts.png Grunts Common 10 Core Infantry Banished None None None
Blitz Marines.png Marines Common 10 Core Infantry UNSC None None None
Blitz Hellbringers.png Hellbringers Common 20 Anti-Infantry UNSC None None None
Blitz Jump Brutes.png Jump-Pack Brute Common 20 Anti-Building Banished None JUMP STRIKE - Leaps forward and smashes the ground, damaging and stunning nearby enemies. None
Blitz Cyclops.png Cyclops Common 30 Anti-Vehicle Mech UNSC None None None
Blitz Elite Rangers.png Elite Rangers Common 30 Anti-Infantry Banished None None Detect
Blitz Veteran Hellbringers.png Veteran Hellbringers Rare 30 Anti-Infantry UNSC Kinsano None None
Blitz Cryo Troopers.png Cryo Troopers Common 40 Anti-Infantry UNSC Serina None Shield
Blitz Elite Enforcers.png Elite Enforcers Common 40 Anti-Building Banished The Arbiter Stasis grenade throw - Tosses a grenade at an enemy unit to deal damage and trap them within a stasis field. Shield
Blitz Goliath.png Goliath Common 40 Anti-Building Banished Colony Ram - Rams and stuns nearby targets. None
Blitz Grunt Riders.png Grunt Riders Common 40 Anti-Building Banished Yapyap the DESTROYER Ram - Rams and stuns nearby targets. None
Blitz Heavy Grunts.png Heavy Grunts Common 40 Core Infantry Banished Yapyap the DESTROYER Party's Over - Fires an EMP round, stunning enemy vehicles and aircraft. None
Blitz Hunters.png Hunters Common 40 Anti-Vehicle Banished None None None
Blitz Prowling Grunts.png Prowling Grunts Uncommon 40 Core Infantry Banished The Arbiter None Cloak
Blitz Scarred Grenadiers.png Scarred Grenadiers Common 40 Core Infantry Banished Voridus Gel Siphon - Siphons pools of infusion to increase speed, damage and armor. None
Blitz Wild Hellbringers.png Wild Hellbringers Uncommon 40 Anti-Infantry UNSC Captain Cutter None Blast
Blitz Assault Elites.png Assault Elites Uncommon 50 Anti-Infantry Banished None None
  • Rush
  • Detect
Blitz Bloodfuel Grunts.png Bloodfuel Grunts Uncommon 50 Core Infantry Banished Decimus Shrapnel mine - Plants mines which slow and damage enemy units. Siphon
Blitz Extractor Marines.png Extractor Marines Uncommon 50 Core Infantry UNSC None Grenade Throw - Tosses a grenade at an enemy unit to deliver explosive damage. Siphon
Blitz Reactive Cyclops.png Reactive Cyclops Rare 50 Anti-Vehicle Mech UNSC None None Reflect
Blitz Reactive Marines.png Reactive Marines Rare 50 Core Infantry UNSC Sergeant Forge None Reflect
Blitz Armored Marines.png Armored Marines Rare 60 Core Infantry UNSC Professor Anders Grenade Throw - Tosses a grenade at an enemy unit to deliver explosive damage. Guard
Blitz Grunt Mob.png Grunt Mob Rare 60 Core Infantry Banished None None Rush
Blitz Ironclad Hunters.png Ironclad Hunters Uncommon 60 Anti-Vehicle Banished Atriox None Guard
Blitz Sniper.png Sniper Common 60 Anti-Infantry UNSC None None
  • Cloak
  • Detect
Blitz Suicide Grunts.png Suicide Grunts Common 60 Anti-Infantry Banished None None Blast
Blitz Unstable Jump Brutes.png Unstable Jump Brutes Uncommon 60 Anti-Building Banished Yapyap the DESTROYER Trip Mine Strike - Leaps forward, drops trip mines and smashes the ground, damaging and stunning nearby enemies. Trip mines are triggered by ground units. Blast
Blitz Veteran Cyclops.png Veteran Cyclops Uncommon 70 Anti-Vehicle Mech UNSC None None None
Blitz Scarred Hunters.png Scarred Hunters Common 80 Anti-Vehicle Banished Colony None None
Blitz Veteran Sniper.png Veteran Sniper Common 100 Anti-Infantry UNSC Jerome-092 None
  • Cloak
  • Detect
Blitz Grunt Goblin.png Grunt Goblins Legendary 160 Hero Mech Banished Yapyap the DESTROYER Grunt Hustle - Grunt Hustle heals nearby units, increases speed, and makes Grunt units briefly invulnerable.
  • Rush
Blitz Warlord.png Warlord Legendary 170 Hero Infantry Banished Decimus Gravity Shockwave - Stuns enemy units and structures with a massive hammer slam.
  • Shield
  • Siphon
Blitz Alice.png Alice-130 Legendary 180 Hero Infantry UNSC Isabel Spartan Slam - Leaps high in the air and slams an enemy, taking control of air or vehicle targets.
  • Shield
  • Reflect
Blitz Atriox's Chosen.png Atriox's Chosen Legendary 180 Hero Infantry Banished Atriox None
  • Shield
  • Shock
Blitz Honor Guard.png Honor Guard Legendary 180 Hero Infantry Banished Shipmaster None
  • Shield
  • Cloak
Blitz Jerome.png Jerome-092 Legendary 180 Hero Infantry UNSC Captain Cutter Spartan Slam - Leaps high in the air and slams an enemy, taking control of air or vehicle targets.
  • Rush
  • Shield
Blitz Kinsano's Cyclops.png Kinsano's Cyclops Legendary 180 Hero Mech UNSC Kinsano Flamewall - Creates a wall of fire that is deadly to anything that moves through it.
  • Shield
  • Blast
Blitz Johnson.png Sergeant Johnson Legendary 180 Hero Infantry UNSC Avery Johnson Repair Beacon - Drops a beacon to heal nearby allies. Shield
Blitz Hunter Captain.png Hunter Captain Legendary 190 Hero Infantry Banished Colony Taunt - Forces nearby enemies to target this unit.
  • Shield
  • Siphon
  • Shock
Blitz Pavium.png Pavium Legendary 190 Hero Infantry Banished Pavium Target Designator - Grants all friendly units a damage bonus against a designated target.
  • Shield
  • Reflect
Blitz Voridus.png Voridus Legendary 190 Hero Infantry Banished Voridus Salt the Earth - Deploys pools of damaging infusion onto the battlefield.
  • Shield
  • Shock
Blitz Commander Jerome.png Commander Jerome Legendary 200 Hero Infantry UNSC Commander Jerome None
  • Shield
  • Rally
Blitz Douglas.png Douglas-042 Legendary 200 Hero Infantry UNSC Professor Anders Spartan Slam - Leaps high in the air and slams an enemy, taking control of air or vehicle targets.
  • Shield
  • Guard
Blitz Arbiter.png The Arbiter Legendary 200 Hero Infantry Banished The Arbiter Arbiter's Rage - Increases damage and speed and allows the Arbiter to attack air units.
  • Shield
  • Rush