Death Island is a level unique to Halo PC and Halo Mac's multiplayer. It is very similiar to the Halo 1 campaign level Silent Cartographer. There is a base on each side of the island. These bases each contain two teleporters, which lead either to a Shade gunner's outcrop, or a platform atop the base, which can hold two Banshees and one Ghost along with a sniper rifle. In the center of the map is a large permanently closed hatch, similar to the one that Pelican E419 enters at the end of Silent Cartographer. On it is the overshield, along with a rocket launcher, a shotgun, a fuel rod gun, grenades and a health pack. The map also can support other vehicles such as warthogs and scorpions, which spawn below the base on the beach. A large number of players are needed to fill the map. Some players snipe from the deep water around the island.
Control the vehicles. Vehicles are vital to this map, and should be used whenever possible. Controlling the Scorpions and Banshees are often the key to winning, mostly due to the map's large size. An effective (although some would say unsporting) tactic in Capture the Flag games is to get at least four Scorpion tanks (although more is better), drive them out into the ocean, and bombard the enemy base. Then, you can sneak troops into the base while they are distracted, and steal the enemy flag, using the tanks for cover. Also, do not forget the banshees. A group of banshees working together are a force to be reckoned with, and can even take down groups of Scorpion tanks.
Another good tactic on team slayer or capture the flag is to drive scorpions up to the top of the map and bombard, planting them over thr teleporters can also greatly help and offensive, just be sure to watch out for plasma grenades!
All in all, the best way to win on this map is to stick together, play like a team, and use as many vehicles as possible.