Horatius the Warlord Chieftain
Biographical information


c. May 28, 2560

Cause of death:

Killed in battle by John-117[1]

Personal details





Hair color:


Political and military information




Horatius was an elderly Jiralhanae Warlord and Chieftain who fought for the Banished during the Installation 07 conflict in early 2560. He was a member of the Exodus Guard, a collection of Banished chosen by Atriox, to return to the galaxy from the Ark. He was killed by Spartan-II John-117 during the Battle of the Silent Auditorium.[2]


Horatius was rendered numb by the suffering his people had endured, from the Jiralhanae's induction into the Covenant all the way to the Razing of Oth Sonin. However, he was inspired by Atriox and Escharum, each a distinct generation leading the Banished, fighting to ensure the future and survival of their species.[2]

After Atriox's presumed demise, Horatius vowed to honor the warmaster’s memory and ensure pursuit and release of the Xalanyn, spending the next several months fighting the UNSC on Zeta Halo, and leading to the eventual discovery and awakening of the Harbinger.[2]

With much work to be done after the Harbinger’s release from her cylix, including locating the Xalanyn, Horatius was appointed as an “honor guard” for their mysterious new ally. However, he would find himself in combat against the Master Chief, who beforehand slayed Escharum at the House of Reckoning. Despite his best efforts, Horatius was felled by the Spartan while defending the Harbinger.[2]


List of appearances
