Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Rakshasa/Kit

Armor Kits and Kit Items
Kit Manufacturer Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements Amor Coating Helmet Visor Chest Left Shoulder Pad Right Shoulder Pad Gloves Wrist Utility Knee Pads
Menu icon for Hieu Dinh armor kit
Hieu Dinh Kit
Lethbridge Industrial Are you motivated, dedicated, and iron-willed in your pursuit of victory? Those who answer yes may take on the mantle of Spartan Hieu Dinh. Legendary Season 02: Lone Wolves Battle Pass level 94 New Dynasty Artaius Fireblood Rift AAP/Heartplate UTIL/Teccniqe IOTA-12 Banished Trophy Drapsmann N/A Brace of Blades UA/Type MEP[B]
Menu Icon for Sigrid Ekland armor kit
Sigrid Eklund Kit
Lethbridge Industrial Are you a veteran of countless engagements under alien skies? A stalwart defender of humanity and the UNSC? If so, step into the role of Spartan Sigrid Eklund. Legendary Season 02: Lone Wolves Battle Pass level 30 Deep Stalker Stribog Mentor's Gift FCI-1/SPDR/Trapdoor Irongrip Rails SAP/Hvistla Plating Drapsmann XCUDO NXS N/A XCUDO KNEX