
Jacob Jiles

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This article is about the Insurrectionist governor. For other people with this name, see Jacob.
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Jacob Jiles
Biographical information


September 13, 2552 (presumed)

Personal details





Hair color:


Political and military information


United Rebel Front




"Bloody Elisa!"
— Jacob Jiles upon learning of the Covenant's impeding arrival.

Governor Jacob Jiles was an insurrectionist and the leader of the asteroid base known as Eridanus Secundus.[1]


Jacob Jiles replaced Colonel Robert Watts as leader of the Eridanus rebels after the former was captured by SPARTAN-II Blue Team in 2525. His background is unknown, but the long black haired rebel was a slippery man, who worked only to serve himself. His tactics kept his people safe, as neither the Covenant nor the UNSC could locate or put a stop to his operation.

Massacre at Eridanus SecundusEdit

Main article: Massacre at Eridanus Secundus

In 2552, Jiles assisted the Gettysburg-Ascendant Justice hybrid vessel in making repairs before they would return to Earth. He had been blackmailed by Admiral Whitcomb, who brought the vessel to Eridanus Secundus knowing the Covenant would track them and locate the asteroid. Jiles did all he could to help repair the vessels before the Covenant attacked. The humans were able to hold off one cruiser, but when thirty arrived, a victory was nearly unachieavable if Whitcomb had stayed. After the Admiral abandoned the installation, the Covenant proceeded to press on the asteroid base. He, along with all the other inhabitants of the asteroid colony, are presumed dead, crushed under the might of the Covenant. [2]

He had a personal ship, a former ONI Chiroptera-class subprowler called the Beatrice that was stolen by Dr. Catherine Halsey.

List of appearancesEdit


  1. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 255
  2. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 281