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1552 was a year in the 1550s in the 16th century.



Late 1552


  1. ^ The Bestiarum states no specific date or time this event started. However as it makes reference to the Flood outbreak on High Charity which happens in late 2552, and it says "In the past [8,760,453 hours]" in reference to this event which is 1000.051712 years. This puts the event in late 1552 onwards. As the Encyclopedia stats that it was 1552, this puts the event between November 4 to December 31, 1552.


  1. ^ Halo 3: Limited Edition, Bestiarum
  2. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition) - Chapter One: Timeline, Galactic Rebirth and the Covenant - Human Expansion and Colonization, page 31