Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Yoroi/Attachments

Helmet Attachments
Helmet Attachment Manufacturer Lore Rarity Unlock Requirements Compatible Helmets
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Imperial Crest
Fractures Samurai TBD Legendary TBD
  • Hikeshi
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Spring Blossom Filter
Fractures Samurai Missions in fetid underground warrens inhabited by the Covenant and native terrors requires special preparation and equipment. Legendary Fractures: Tenrai Event Pass level 29
  • Yokai
Menu icon for Halo Infinite Yoroi armor customization.
Staghelm Crest
Fractures Samurai Heraldry and symoblism associated with the elusive mountain stag is popular among western clans. Legendary TBD
  • Kabuto
Icon of the Windbown
Windblown Mask
Fractures Samurai This mask allows the wear to filter and breath air befouled by the Covenant's domination spires. Legendary Purchase "Chonmage Armor Set" from the Shop for 2,000 cR
  • Chonmage