Chak 'Lok
Chak 'Lok
Biographical information


2560 (Installation 07)[1]

Personal details





Eye color:


Political and military information




Sangheili Warlord

Notable info:

Installation 07 conflict


"Welcome to my Tower, Master Chief. It is where you will be broken. It is where you will give up your secrets."
— Chak 'Lok greets the Master Chief[1]

Chak 'Lok was a Sangheili Warlord and a member of the Banished.


During the Installation 07 conflict, Chak 'Lok interrogated human POWs in a facility called the Tower. One of these captives was SPARTAN Hudson Griffin, who was taken prisoner following a failed attempt to assassinate War Chief Escharum. Chak 'Lok also tortured a captured combat medic, Lucas Browning, before handing the human over to the Harbinger, who expressed annoyance at the damage Chak 'Lok had done to the prisoner.

When John-117 arrived at the Tower in response to a signal from Griffin's armor, Chak 'Lok ordered the facility put into lockdown. He then appeared to the Master Chief via hologram and told the SPARTAN-II that he would never get inside the Tower. However, with the help of the Weapon, the Master Chief located the security building that controlled the lockdown. After lifting the lockdown, John-117 fought his way into the Tower and eventually confronted Chak 'Lok, who was torturing SPARTAN Griffin. The two fought and John-117 killed Chak 'Lok despite Chak 'Lok using his cloak to his advantage. Unfortunately, it was too late for Griffin, who died from his injuries soon after.[1]

Personality and traits

Chak 'Lok often spoke in a calm, polite manner, even when addressing his enemies. However, he quickly dropped this demeanor once battle started. Chak 'Lok enjoyed torturing his prisoners both physically and mentally. Arrogant and prideful, he displayed no concern when the Master Chief attacked the Tower. He held a low view of humans in general, regarding them as being soft and easy to break.[1]


Chak 'Lok was equipped with Active camouflage. He was armed with a Type-1 energy sword, as well as a Pulse carbine. He also carried Type-1 plasma grenades.

List of appearances
