Forever We Fight is a Halo Infinite trailer released on November 28, 2021. The "Carry On" trailer is a continuation of this one, and was released alongside it.
The trailer opens in the distant past, as two shepherds sleep in a field next to a fire. One of the shepherds, Hassan, wakes up and examines his surroundings, with the other younger individual slowly arising to observe them. The first shepherd walks away from the camp with a flame torch in hand and using a branch as a walking stick, with their companion starting to follow. As they walk through their pasture of sheep, the flock runs away in a single direction. The two shepherds begin to spot glowing eyes surrounding them as their howls become more audible.
- Young Shepherd: "Hassan!"
Hassan turns to warn the young shepherd.
- Hassan: [In Arabic] "No, no! Get back!"
Hassan turns to face the wolves. Cut to Europe during World War II. A farmer drags a wounded soldier across a field as shells drop around them. The two enter a house, and the farmer lowers the soldier to the floor to begin treating the soldier as he screams in agony, with a woman looking on. She runs to a sink near the window, but is distracted by the sound of artillery firing. A shell hits just outside her window, knocking both herself and the farmer to the floor. The two look at each other, with the farmer tending to the soldier's bullet wound with a pair of foreceps.
- Farmer: [In French] "I need more time..."
On broken glass, the woman grabs the bolt-action rifle that the farmer brought into the house. The solder winces as he looks at her, and the woman cycles the rifle as she tearfully looks back at the soldier. The farmer drops a bullet from his forceps into a tub of water, which cuts to the near-future, as a coastguard is dropped into the ocean She swims towards a drowning man and secures him.
- Coastguard: "You're okay, hold on."
The coastguard signals to a civilian Falcon which is hovering above them, swaying heavily in the wind. The Coastguard struggles to reach towards a rope which is lowered near them, as warning sounds are heard from the aircraft. Cut to an astronaut at the cockpit of her ship at some point in the late 2200's.
- Astronaut: "Shaw-Fujikawa Translight scale test commencing in three..."
Cut to a control room, as multiple controllers observe the astronaut.
- Astronaut: "...two, one..."
- Mission Control: "Execute."
The astronaut enters her ship into a chaotic slipspace rupture, and she braces at her controls as the ship begins to violently shake, several warning systems sounding. Cut to an unknown planet during the Insurrection, as a damaged Hornet is hit by a rocket, losing both of its engines.
- Hornet Pilot: "Mayday mayday, we're going down."
The Hornet crashes into an agricultural field in the middle of a battle, sliding down a hill. A Marine runs towards the wreckage and drags the pilot out, carrying him away as a shell lands near them. Cut to John-117 on Zeta Halo, who turns to observe a battle. The camera juxtaposes himself with Hassan and the farmwoman, as the three of them charge into their respective battles. The Chief engages in melee with a pair of Jiralhanae as the astronaut screams during her slipspace jump, and he leaps over a third Jiralhanae as the coastguard successfully lifts the drowning man out of the water. John-117 fires on Banished forces below him before cutting to black.