Talk:Permanent invisibility

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Revision as of 17:53, September 2, 2021 by EthanGaming117 (talk | contribs) (→‎Envy Skull: Cleaned up reply)
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Envy SkullEdit

Will the Envy Skull still work?

no. once you turn off the xbox you'll have to get it again. Plus once you get to the next level the active camo turns off. So if you want to turn it back on you have to do everything over again starting with getting the envy skull.


does this work on vista?

Possible Ban =Edit

Can you get banned for using this glith in halo 3 matchmaking, same thing with the overshield glitch? Yes

Hog WashEdit

This doesn't "deactivate the ability" or other hogwash you sociopaths come up with.

It simply doesn't save the event-timer information (the 5 second timer that deactivates the cloak), and thus the "deactivation-event" is never triggered.


Either this editor is retarded, or this glitch has been patched on Halo 3.

Charlie Sheen 09:07, September 10, 2010 (UTC)