
Template:Human Character Infobox Colonel Robert Watts, known as "that bastard" by most UNSC personnel[1], was a human rebel and leader of the Eridanus Rebels.

Formerly an officer of the UNSC Marine Corps, Colonel Watts became a turncoat and a traitor some time before 2513, abandoning the military and joining the Eridanus Rebels. He led an insurrection in the Eridanus Star System, which lasted for a number of years. Soon, though, he and his forces were put down in a battle called Operation: TREBUCHET.

He eventually became the leader of the rebels and governor of the rebel stronghold of Eridanus Secundus. He ensured that his operation ran smoothly and that it remained relatively hidden from the UNSC. This all changed when one of his spies was discovered. In 2525, he was captured by a team of SPARTAN-IIs led by John-117, who sedated him using Polypseudomorphine. They then brought Watts back to ONI for interrogation. It is likely he was executed for treason after the interrogations.

Colonel Watts enjoyed luxury items, such as Sweet William Cigars, high-quality steaks, and Beta Centauri vintage champagne and Swiss chocolates. It was this vanity that helped the SPARTAN-II team quickly locate and secure him, by tagging the incoming delivery crates containing these items.[2]


  • There is an Insurrectionist kid's rhyme that includes Colonel Watts: "Don't be spoiled, don't start a fight. Always be careful, here at night. because the Spartans might come, in suits that weigh half a ton. And they'll steal from you all you got, just like they did from Colonel Watts."[3]
