Biographical information

Ended service:



Male (In voice and form)


An elongated skull with long, demon-like horns, fire filled eyes and jagged teeth.

Political and military information


James Ackerson


Spy on Halsey's research.


As Colonel James Ackerson's private A.I., Araquiel was tasked to spy on Dr. Catherine Halsey and her research. His appearance is that of an elongated skull with long, demon-like horns, fire-filled eyes and jagged teeth. His voice is a low bestial growl or rumble containing a trace of far-off thunder[1].

He was left at CASTLE Base in 2552 during The Battle of Reach[2] . He threatened Dr. Halsey and Kalmiya after he attempted to stop her from breaking into Ackerson's private data files during the Covenant assault on the planet Reach. He even went so far as to threaten to fill Halsey's office with fatal levels of Narcozine Gas or to presurrize her office and cause pulmonary edema[3] .

Dr. Halsey responded by activating the fail-safe in his Riemann Matrix, effectively destroying him[4] .
