Phoenix Logs/Banished Units/Heavy Grunts

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Revision as of 21:53, March 3, 2019 by Superintendent (talk | contribs) (→‎top: Added to Phoenix Logs category)
They eat Spartans for breakfast!
Heavy Grunts are elite infantry who replace .Jump Pack Brutes. Heavy Grunts
are Yapyap THE DESTROYER'S enforcers , wearing heavy armor and armed with
plasma pistols. When they need to break out the big guns the leader uses his
Fuel Rod Cannon. This cannon can be upgraded with the party's Over special
ability, which fires an EMP round that stuns vehicles and aircraft. And though
war never changes, their unit size can. The My Plus One upgrade adds an
additional squad member to the entourage.
Heavily augmented using strange machinery found on the Ark, Heavy Grunts
are part Grunt, part machine, all awesome. Even without their new battle armor
the Heavy Grunts are bad to the bone, and their chainmail undervests,
mirrorshade lenses, and bad attitude prove it. They are led by the Shadow
Master of Buwan, a red—beret—wearing Grunt spoken of in hushed whispers,
who has taught his disciples ancient Balaho martial arts and a number of useful
rope knot tricks.