Phoenix Logs/Banished Units/Jump Pack Brutes

< Phoenix Logs‎ | Banished Units
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Fast-moving assault troops.
This Brute heavy infantry unit is equipped with jump packs and armed with
hammers. The Brutes can leap a great distance with the packs assistance,
unleashing a crushing attack at their destination that deals area-of-effect
damage. Jump Brutes in the service of Atriox also drop trip mines along their
jump path to deter enemy pursuit. All Jump Pack Brute squads can increase
their unit size with the dark skies upgrade.
Favored by Atriox for their mobility and savagery, the Banished make extensive
use of Jump Pack Brutes for reconnaissance, hit-and-run harassment, and
devastating close-quarters assaults. Though the jump packs cannot provide full
flight capabilities and must cool down after each use, they allow the Brute
warriors to quickly smash into enemy lines, crushing all who stand against the