Phoenix Logs/The Ark/Halo

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A Halo is an artificial, planet-sized ringworld weapon, created by the ancient
Forerunner race as a weapon to combat the parasitic entity known as the
Despite millennia of scientific and philosophical advancements, the Forerunners
were unable to stop the spread of the Flood as it propagated across numerous
life-forms through infection. After many defeats, the only answer was to starve
the Flood by denying its ability to infect anything - by destroying all sentient
The Ark was built to construct, maintain and activate the ringworlds that make
up the Halo Array weapon, and seven ringworlds were launched at strategic
points across the galaxy. The Halo Array was fired, wiping out all sentient life
without damaging the inhabitants worlds and the Flood retreated.
However, towards the end of the Human-Covenant War, the Halo Array once
again became an ever present menace, the weapon to end all wars.