Talk:SECURITY-class Mjolnir

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Revision as of 17:16, January 15, 2019 by Spartabot (talk | contribs) (→‎Mark V?: removed: 28px (5))

TU2 gave me the Security head!

Since Halo 3 updated, I obtained 2 new achievements that came with the update and now I've got Security! I don't even have 1000Gs on Halo 3! Check my page![1] 01:13, 10 October 2008 (UTC)


Due to recent leaked screens of the multiplayer skin selection here, I think this amors name is "Scout" armor. Spartan657 21:24, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Nicely done, adding it to the page until there is 'official' naming of it.--Ajax 013 21:36, 20 September 2007 (UTC) I unlocked it at 600 gamerscore

Somehow, I got the Security shoulders and I only have 595 GP in Halo 3....glitch? Kap2310 23:24, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

Most likely, but i'm starting to think that its is not based on amount of achievement points but amount of achievements. How many do you have? --Ajax 013 06:24, 17 October 2007 (UTC)

Maybe it's just for A) unlocking a certain amount of achivements, B) Completely Random or random achievements/points, C) Glitched/bugged Eduardo Jimenez Comm ContributionsFile:Marine_Corp_CPL.JPG|20px]]UoH/C Company|C Company]]

I had 750 Achievement points, and did not have the Security shoulders. Upon completing the legendary campaign and jumping to 875, I unlocked the Security shoulders. At that point I had 35 achievements. - drpeppr07

i only had 950 gs for halo 3 and i got the securityhelm. any explinations?


Heres the low down on this radical change. There were ten armor sets confirmed by Epsilon however we had 11 on here so i came to the decision, the 'fourth unknown armor' and the 'scout armor' are one and the same, moving the information from scout onto the fourth unknown armo page. That left the 'fifth unknown armor' page empty and the 'sixth unknown armor' page in an odd position so i moved the 'Marathon armor', which has yet to have its name confirmed to 'fifth unknown armor' and redirected 'Marathon armor'. If your not happy, well kiss my hairy arse, i don't care about your opinion. --Ajax 013 18:11, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

Not 940+

I only have 895 gamerscore and i have the shoulders,someone needs to rethink because i belive its 750.Spartan 112 22:37, 31 October 2007 (UTC)

855 GS, 32 Achievements no shoulders.
865 GS, 33 Achievements no shoulders.
870GS, 34 Achievements got the shoulders. Last one Two for One. - CAH ODST Oct 31 2007

Okay, I have 895 Gamerscore. I have beaten the game on all difficulties, gotten all the metagame achievements, and gotten every other singleplayer achievement, with the exception of We're In For Some Chop. I have no multiplayer achievements (my XBL is down...grrrrr). That's 36 achievements. I still, however, do not have the shoulders. -The_more_deluded

I got the shoulder when I had 34 achievements/885 gamerscore.Trooper117 22:58, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

I just got the ahoulders pieces with 28 or 29 achiviments and 590 gamerscore!Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!! I just hope they don't relock.--SPARTAN-124 04:26, 13 February 2009 (UTC)SPARTAN-124

Possible unlock

I had 475 Gamerpoints and 36 achievements, I played through Crow's Nest with scoring on. I accumulated over 30,000 points. I got 2 achievements: The one for completing it on Normal and the one for getting over 15,000 points. I then had 38 achievements and 505 Gamerpoints. When I went to check my armor, I had unlocked the Security Shoulders. So it might be for getting either:

  • A) 495 Gamerpoints
  • B) 485 Gamerpoints
  • C) 37 Achievements
  • D) 38 Achievements


  • E) It was random around a certain range of achievements/gamerpoints and I was lucky.

Another possibility is that you unlock it with one of those achievements, though this conflicts with other peoples' reports. Also of note: I hadn't unlocked all of the other meta-game achievements, only 4 others besides this one. All of the ones I have now: Guerilla, Demon, Cavalier, Ranger, and Vanguard. Eduardo Jimenez Comm ContributionsFile:Marine_Corp_CPL.JPG|20px]]UoH/C Company|C Company]]

I am currently hating the odd un-lock criteria. I have finished campain on legendary, gotten the achivements that can be done in either Campaign or multiplayer, found all 13 skulls, and achieved Demon, Askar, Exterminator, and Orpheus. At least 870 gamescore, so this is really getting to be a pain. Ill do the other five metagames and hope it unlocks. 14:53, 18 January 2008 (UTC) Update: I forgot to post that I did in fact unlock it after that last achivemant, number 31.

I just hit 39 achievements and got the shoulders, have none of the campaign achievements. 905 is current g-score. -I have all of the skulls , fear the mist , Campaign beaten on legendary (includes the level achievements not linked to score, heroic, and normal diff achievements.), headshot honcho, mvp, unsc graduate, too close, to the sun, up close and personal, triple kill, overkill, lee r wilson memorial, mongoose mowdown, steppin razor, we're in for some chop, Marathon man, spartan officer, and two for one achievements. -The last achievement I got was two for one.. I'm willing to guess people are overthinking.. -I've seen others post as receiving the shoulders via the two for one achievement; therefore I'm going to assume that it's the achievement linked to the shoulders. This is also in line with the 39 achievements theory.

O.K. I just got 574 gamerscore from Halo 3,nothing,no new armor,I crecked twice.So it's not A),B),C),D),OR E). --SPARTAN-124 04:11, 11 February 2009 (UTC)SPARTAN-124

My recent discovery (and added note)

I had 795 gamerscore and recently checked to confirm whether or not I had the security shoulders. I did not, and decided to google specifics on unlocking it and was directed to an answer that informed me that finishing two metagame achievements(Get "x" number of points on a campaign level) could potentially be an unlock for the shoulders. Finishing the second level's metagame achievement, pushing me to 805 gamerscore, (and 41 out of 49 achievements) unlocked them for me. The only 8 achievements I currently do not have unlocked would be beating campaign on Legendary, and the final 7 metagame achievements. To clarify, the achievement I last unlocked was "Demon", and the ONLY other I have is "Guerilla". I believe that the "Marathon Man" achievement could be very important to getting the shoulders, also.

The part I added to the "Note:" portion under the "Unlock" header is at the very end, and by my own admission is not in the best wording possible. If you can re-phrase it to make it more concise, then please do so :) It goes from "By completing..." to "...gamerscore first." Thanks for reading this, and figuring out the smaller details of this would be great to have contributed to. Oranos2115 07:52, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

I got the "Marathon Man" achievement,and no shoulders,I got meta-game achievement for Travso Highway.--SPARTAN-124 04:13, 11 February 2009 (UTC)SPARTAN-124

My Edit

Basically, I considered it an injustice to those who didn't know the long, buggy history behind unlocking the Security Shoulders to not include all known and speculated information about the process. I combined what I knew before, what I learned from this page, and what was already present in the article to create the final page. If you have any more information, please add it. Ebola Zaire 05:28, 29 May 2008 (UTC)

I have 680 gamerscore for Halo 3 and got Security shoulders when I played about two days later the have relocked so this Armor is probably glitchy

I got the shoulders at....

I got the shoulders at 320 gamerscore and 26 achievements. So I'm guessing it was luck but the last achievements I got were Last Stand,Thunderstorm, Mythic, Tilt, and the non-achievement IWHBYD skull (the last 4 skulls I needed. did it on 7/09/08). After I had done those I was changing my helmet to Hayabusa and then I looked at the shoulders and I noticed I had the security shoulders. -- Ninja Dragon 02:47, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Security Armor Jocks

Here's a bit of info I put together through experiences with Security Armor users:

"It is highly aware that players sporting the armor in Matchmaking are prone to betraying their teammates due to the belief that the armor symbolizes a form of alleged higher authority over other players causing the owner of the armor to play in a unacceptable manner purposely to his/her teammates discontent. The actions inflicted also include, verbal abuse, team killing followed by teabagging, attempting to rile players to the point of unintended betrayals, ally vehicle destruction, and/or treason( killing ally target defenders)."

NOTE: This is not directed towards all Security Armor users, just the majority that I've encountered.

RadicalEdward2 22:03, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

Any other disappearances?

I've had the security helmet and katana for months, But after the TU2 update I got the vidmaster annual and my security helmet and katana were still there, but then I got the vidmaster 7 on 7 and my security helmet and katana re-locked themselves. I'm just wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem? (The only new achievements I have from TU2 are those two vidmasters)

Helmet & Katana slight early...

I got the helmet and the katana to stay unlocked with 960/1000 & 48/49

the achievement that it appeared for use after is Cavalier; earned 12/20/2008]:%15%18*iAr%07

Katana part of Security Armor?

Can someone please explain to me why that would be? If anything, that katana would go with the Hayabusa armor. Just because they're earned at the same time doesn't mean anything. Smoke My pageMy talk 06:49, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

It is only added to the triva as a exturnal fact. 5ubnova [Comm71 - EComm72 - Intell - CoH|CoH]] - - SCoH|SCoH]]] 06:59, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

it's possable that bungie groups the two together since their both refererances to other games, security is marathon, halo's predicessor, and katana is a part of the ninja armour, which is the main charictors armour from ninja gedon rebel pyroTALK

That unlock bug

The requirements for unlocking the helmet seems to be having the same issues as the katana and the shoulders, for me, I didn't unlock the helmet until 51 achievements and 1160 gamerscore for Halo 3. It seemed more random than anything. Earlier, at 1135G and 50 achievements, I had unlocked the armor for a split second, but it relocked. After getting Road Rage (25G) It became unlocked. The article should be rewritten a bit to include discrepancies such as this, and if others don't say that the article should be changed to include this sort of info, I'll write it up myself in a day or so. Arcdash 01:17, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, nevermind, article is fine, just need to read it better, I forgot to subtract the Vidmaster achievements. Arcdash 23:44, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

if it's any help

I got mine at 605, directly after unlocking "too close to the sun" rebel pyroTALK

damn, they relocked themselfs rebel pyroTALK

What does this (m) mean?

This statement was made by an IP user...

*The (m) at the end of VI is a reference to marathon, an earlier series made by bungie.

Is this true (If so please vertify with proof) If not this can be left as an open topic here..

Thankyou for your time

User:Sub-71/Sig 16:57, 21 April 2009 (UTC)


If you have the dowloadable packs, does gettign a combo of 1000 points throughout the versions still unlock the helmet? Or do I need 1000 points of the orginial Achievements? --Brengarrett 17:06, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

from my expirice is that it is a combo because i got the helmet using both gamerscores.Mwertz95 18:07, July 18, 2010 (UTC)

Helmet re-locked for no reason

My Security helmet re-locked itself (as well as my Katana) while I was in Matchmaking today, & I have 52 achievements with 1265 gamerscore. What's up with that? --DaMastaChief86 00:12, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

nothing to worry about, dude. it happens to almost everyone who gets the armor, including myself. get another acheivement, and it will probly come back. HaloArray 20:06, September 13, 2009 (UTC)

Security Helmet

The head may also be unlocked when gamerscores from Halo 3 and Halo 3; ODST combined total 1000

That is not true as I have roughly something like 1200 gamerscore between halo 3 and odst. Both campaign and multiplayer achievements. If anyone cares, I have 35 (halo 3) and 34 (odst) But I dont know if that matters. Please help me out here ;)

Same here. PX173 08:15, December 22, 2009 (UTC)

security shoulder glich

when i turned my guy into an elite they loked up again but the next day they unlocked~DA~ is awsome! 22:29, December 11, 2009 (UTC)

Mark V?

For some reason, I have a tiny voice in my head that's telling me that this is a Mark VI variant. Unless there's proof? --  General5 7    talk    contribs    email   22:38, December 11, 2009 (UTC)

Technically speaking, it's Mark IV, seeing as it was first manufactured in 2528, but it was been updated to match the current Mark VI. - Halo-343 (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 22:42, December 11, 2009 (UTC)

"The MJOLNIR V(m) variant was manufactured in the Misriah Armory Facility on Mars in 2543, a year after the Mark V entered production in 2542. Like the Mark V, it has been upgraded to be compatible with all current generation MJOLNIR variants."
— Article description
Maybe open Halo 3 and check out the description of the armour?- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 22:47, December 11, 2009 (UTC)
Oh, well you think you know something. I'll take your word, because I can't check Halo 3, seeing as my 360 is broken. But what I want to know, is since when was the Mark V distributed in 2542? The date in FoR was an error. - Halo-343 (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 22:55, December 11, 2009 (UTC)
It's Mark V. It says so. Sorry. --Fluffball Gato 23:58, December 11, 2009 (UTC)
Says so...where?--  General5 7    talk    contribs    email   00:09, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Halo 3's description of the armor. You may check it if you don't believe me.--Fluffball Gato 00:11, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
I noticed General5_7 renamed the article from Mark V(m) MJOLNIR Powered_Assault_Armor (Without Spacing) to Mark V (m) MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor (With Spacing). What's the title in the Halo 3, with spacing or without?--Lol@Phailure 00:18, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Without. I'll fix that mistake.--Fluffball Gato 00:20, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Hold on there, don't do anything yet. The Halo Encyclopedia spells it with a space. So where does that leave us? - Halo-343 (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 00:27, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
The Halo games are superior canon. I don't think debate is needed. --Fluffball Gato 00:30, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Aye, as per our great canon policy.--Lol@Phailure 00:37, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Well I think there most certainly is. The Encyclopedia is a collaboration of all the info from the games, novels, ect. One is not "superior" to the other. I'm in favor of adding a space, seeing as it makes more sense grammatically. - Halo-343 (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 00:39, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Again, the Encyclopaedia has multiple issues and is not above or on par with the Games. It still falls under Halo Literature, Soundtracks, and Other Media.--Lol@Phailure 01:20, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Let's ask an admin on this. As per CT's rule, "admins are always right". --  General5 7    talk    contribs    email   01:44, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Do note that administrators cannot ignore the policies!--Lol@Phailure 01:56, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
It was a joke; not serious. But we should still ask what they think of it. --  General5 7    talk    contribs    email   01:58, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Given how many errors the Encyclopedia has, I would say the space is not there. Besides, I already stated that the games are superior canon. I'm going with spaceless.--Fluffball Gato 05:55, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Why would there be no space in the first place? It serves no purpose, maybe the game has a typo? - Halo-343 (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 10:26, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
I've seen project names like that before. I believe it is needed. --Fluffball Gato 15:23, December 12, 2009 (UTC)


I can see why the shoulders are said to be glitched. I have 755Gs from halo, but the shoulders still aren't unlocked :/ ToaOrka

So erm...Does Bungie plan on DOING anything about it? ToaOrka

I HAD the shoulders, but when I finished campaign on Normal, they were gone! Any tips how to get them back?

I think doing all the campaign achievements guarantees the shoulders.--Fluffball Gato 04:47, April 17, 2010 (UTC)

new name

As the shoulders pretty much confirm that Security armour was originally created for Mark IV MJOLNIR, we need a new name.-- Forerunner 20:09, June 3, 2010 (UTC)

MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/M variant? Also, the production date of 2542 is also a pretty strong indication that the variant was originally created for the Mark IV. Was it ever actually stated in H3 that it was the Mark V that entered production in 2542 or just the Security armor? As a side note, it may be a "shared asset" like the Mark V(MP), considering how it sounds extremely improbable they'd have Spartans specializing solely as security guards. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 20:22, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
The Enyclopaedia screwed up. Examine the armour in Halo 3 and it shows that Security was manufactured originally in 2528. 24 years before the release of standard Mark V. Based on this, Mark V[m] is merely an updated version of the Mark IV[m], which was released in 2528 by an unnamed private enterprise.-- Forerunner 20:31, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
So... the idea that Mark V begun production in 2542 is from the Encyclopedia? No wonder it sounded so inconsistent. Although I thought we had it here on Halopedia before the book came out. Anyways, if the Halo 3 description says 2528, it's pretty obvious was originally for the Mark IV, and as the page says, compatible with later models much like most MJOLNIR variants. So, should we rename it "MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/M variant" like all other variants that are for more than one armor model? --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 20:41, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
No. I thought you meant that this armour was developed in 2542. Mark V in general began in 2542, yes. Security armour appears to have had Mark IV and V versions, like how EVA was used in multiple editions of MJOLNIR.-- Forerunner 21:18, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
I'm with you on the Security armor rename proposal. Because it was developed in 2528 as the H3 description says, it must've been originally created as a variant of the Mark IV and only later for the Mark V.
It's a bit off topic, but I was just wondering where does the source for the production year of 2542 for the Mark V proper come from? Was it in one of Halo 3's armor descriptions? It's just that it's hard to believe they'd produce the armor ten years before handing it out to the Spartans. It could be a simple typo; they could've meant 2552. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 05:48, June 4, 2010 (UTC)
I'm sure it's in Halo: The Fall of Reach. Ten years is actually realistic given the circumstances. Halsey needed to research shield technology and create one with adequate protection that wouldn't fail randomly. Also, ONI diverted funding in 2536 to the SPARTAN-IIIs and SPI because of her expensive Mark IV armour. Based on that, she'd spend a few extra years making mark V because of the smaller funding. She probably would have finished at the end of the '40s, based on privatised variants coming out before hers. As these privatised companies have a lot of money, and do not rely on grants from the UNSC, they were seen by ONI as better candidates to manufacture the armour. As they came out in similar workings to Halsey's model, I assume that they based it on her schematics. As I said earlier, she would have finished sooner. A private variant released before Halsey's, I can understand... but not one released before Halsey even finishes...or even starts drawing up the schematics. Yes, Security is Mark IV and Mark V.-- Forerunner 16:28, June 4, 2010 (UTC)


I'm aware that someone has removed my edit to the page about the armor set's presence in the Halo Reach Armory, under the reason that it was, appearantly, a spoiler.

Here's the definition of a spoiler, directly from wiktionary:

"A document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise, or twist in a story."

here's a link:

I don't believe a armor's presence in the armory is a spoiler, adhering to that definition, and I would like to request my edit to be reposted upon the grounds of this statement.

  • Note: I've noticed many actual spoilers rgarding the actual story of the game staying up, as opposed to armory reveals being removed. We've known that EOD and Security were back in since may 3rd. But that doesn't tell any story. That reveals nothing about noble team's activities during halo reach, it reveals nothing about which characters die and which are spared, and it reveals no major plot points whatsoever. It only reveals a customization option for the player, and we've been learning and updating our info about those since may 3rd, and even before.

He didn't do it because he thought that it would spoil anything. It's because we shouldn't post something that is revealed in an unofficial manner from an unsanctioned party. It can encourage others to post real spoilers and because it's not from Bungie, it's not confirmed and technically non-canon. It's not too big of a deal. It will be re-posted on release day. Tgor365 08:36, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

It's true, alot of information and images have been removed from pages for that very reason. If you get permission from an admin then you can add it to the page but I only removed the information in accordance with the wiki's policies--Soul reaper 08:46, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

That definition isn't necessarily correct in gamer circles. Like the name suggests, a spoiler is simply something that gives away an unknown aspect of something before it is able to be known. BLADEBANE Anti-Vandal 09:00, August 29, 2010 (UTC)Blade bane

Theres a view of it AND its shoulders in some of the full armory videos. get a pic and post it. its real. Failamanjaro 15:42, September 25, 2010 (UTC)

Antenna for Halo: Reach version?

I've noticed that while the Security Helmet in Halo 3 adds a small antenna to your Spartan's armor when equipped, there is no mention of this for the Halo: Reach variant. Can someone please confirm whether the Security Helmet/Shoulders in Halo: Reach adds an antenna to your armor when equipped? Thank you. 00:10, 19 February 2011 (EST)

Infobox image

Concerning the image, I can easily take renders from custom games on a forged map I made, which has invisible structures and a white wall, thanks to the machinima-related custom options. (and then it requires very minor adjustments on my computer) See AIR ASSAULT-class Mjolnir for example. So I can take care of this kind of render, but first I need to unlock the armor. For Security, I still miss the chest. Anyway, I can take care of this kind of things, it's just a matter of time. Imrane-117 (talk) 11:43, 21 January 2016 (EST)

Well I personally only put one down like that as it suited the updates I was doing(you all might of noticed). Though I consider it something that could be better, but right now does the job till someone better(you) does it. :) - - CIA391 (talk) 17:37, 21 January 2016 (GMT)