23rd Age of Doubt Praise Be to the Prophet of Regret The Great Journey Begins __________________________________________________________________________________ CO URUTEJNMM
Geo Synchronous Rotation Established Orbital decay -009.0028° Safety Margin +4.078
Cleanse the planet of this abomination.
CLAN MESSAGING OPEN Brother ’Crolunee, Rejoice for the green monster is no more. Banished by the righteous might of our forces. My Needler has never had truer aim. Each shard unerringly found its mark across the field of battle. Why even now, the Unggoy make sport with the green abomination’s helmet. Ustaf ’Nbekee |
I do not care for protocol! We must move now! Open the relic.
FIELD REPORT High Prophet- Rejoice your Holiness for we have found the doorway to the relic you spoke of. Today is indeed a great day for the Covenant as the Great Journey redoubles its pace. The troops are full of fervor at the sight of this gift from the Forerunner. I beseech you to send the Arbiter at once to commence the opening of this sacred place. Faithfully, Cmdr. Re’gish Wamik
PERSONAL CHANNEL OPEN The human’s patrols are coming dangerously close to the relic. If they discover the holy site they will most assuredly defile it. Why does the Prophet hide us away in the frozen north while our brothers die at the hands of these fiends? Would the relics not be safer if we wiped the humans off the face of the planet? |
Like footsteps falling, our plan is realized.
ARCHIVE LINK ACTIVE The Minister of Penance gives salutations and peace to his most Holiness, the Prophet of Regret. The Arbiter has proven his worth as an instrument of war. Let your steady hand guide his blade. The circumstances of his imprisonment have been kept from you for various reasons. Let it be known that his sins have been washed as a river caresses the stone. But be forewarned, do not trust $%^$@^)#(*)0010011[>>>>>data stream corruption]
ENGINEERING REP\STAT Arbiter- I must again reiterate my position from our previous communication. Retrofitting the Scarab’s main battle cannon is a delicate process that requires calibrating all coolant subsystems. Any heat spike from the core can pose a serious threat to the gestalt. |
Hold your position at any cost. We must uncover the secrets hidden here.
CONSTUCTION REVISION Once the shield amplifiers are sufficiency operational and the Temple is running, have the builders take a second look at the Methane suite for the Unggoy. A valve malfunction has rendered it unable to maintain proper atmosphere levels. They now spend the bulk of their time in the hanger, much to the discomfort of the weapon engineers. |
See the unbelievers falter beneath our unyielding truth.
PRAYER FOR THE FALLEN Your journey has ended. Your sacrifice is but another stone paving the way so that others may continue. You never wavered from the path or faltered in your faith. For that, you will be rewarded. Let your actions be a beacon unto all who shall pass after you. When the Great Journey begins we all walk the path together.
TAC\OP REQUEST Commander, the humans have deployed a number of mechanical bipeds on our flank. The useless Unggoy and Kig-Yar snipers are no match. Their ranks will soon be decimated. I beseech you to reconsider deploying the Scarab to our position. With it, I could repel the humans’ advance and collapse their front line.
BLESSING OF THE LOKGOLO See the Lekgolo lay to ruin all before it that is not of the Covenant. It walks the path, a living instrument of the gods’ divine will. It seeks out non-believers and wipes their filth from the face of creation. The one truth is their guide on the journey to ascension. The Prophet has spoken. |
These humans are filth. Unfit to live.
DIRECT MESSAGING ACTIVE Arbiter- These humans are cowards. They choose to fight inside their vehicles. There is no honor in these kills. I see truth to the words spoken by the Prophet, and I wall savor the blood of every human that falls before my needler. Je’ddak Zule
FIELD EVALUATION: Much praise to weapon master Sanj’ik. Her improvements to the fuel rod cannon have made this airship the bane of the humans. It fires so rapidly; even their heaviest tanks must succumb before its might. Have the entire squadron upgraded immediately. |