
Hold the Line

Revision as of 01:54, June 8, 2017 by Ramero (talk | contribs) (Updated rough part of the cutscene and mission briefing.)

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From the Deep


Under the Dark

Hold the Line
File:HW2 Hold the Line.png


Halo Wars 2




Installation 00


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Hold the Line is the eighth campaign level in Halo Wars 2.


Cinematic Cutscene

The Spirit of Fire firing it's Deck Gun while the Banshee attack with strafing runs. Captain Cutter take his seat on the bridge to oversee the the situation and the entire bridge crew was busy.

  • Captain Cutter: "Johnson, get those guns back inside."
  • Johnson: "We got hull breach in sector seventeen."
  • Bridge Crew #1: "Jen, hit those head to blow."
  • Captain Cutter": "Where are we on that hull breach in sector seventeen?"
  • Bridge Crew #2: "ETA 60 Seconds!"
  • Bridge Crew #3: "Engineering system is damaged."
  • Bridge Crew #4: "Too many contact!"

The Point Defense System on Spirit Of Fire is offline as the Deck Guns on Starboard are offlines.

  • Bridge Crew #5: "Starboard gun is down."

Anders contact the bridge while the ship receive another strafing hit from Banshees.

  • Anders: "Captain."

The crew on where she is are running past through her while she's contacting the bridge.

  • Anders: "Hard to do my best work like this. Can't we fight back?"

View cuts to the bridge where the crew notify the ship that more banshees coming out from the Carrier.

  • Bridge Crew #6: "Carrier has released more Banshees."
  • Anders: "Um...are we fighting back?"
  • Captain Cutter: "We are, Professor. Let me handle that. You just get me the update on the Ark."

The Banshees are returning to the Carrier Enduring Convinction while the crew assess the damage immediately.

  • Bridge Crew #4: "Port Defenses is down!"
  • Bridge crew #7: "Starboard guns are down!"
  • Bridge Crew #4: "Sector 1, 2 and 3 has internal fire!"
  • Bridge Crew #3: "Hull breach in six sectors"

Isabel appears next to cutter, looking at him.

  • Isabel: "Poked the nest, didn't we?"
  • Captain Cutter": "We did. Evacuate and vent! How long can we keep this up?"
  • Isabel: "Not long. We're losing too many guns. At this rate it'll be over soon."

Anders arrived at the bridge to report.

  • Anders: "I think i've found a way to get help."

Cutter stood up and went to the Holotable as Anders throws her Tablet to the holotable and Isabel appears on the holotable as well, revealing the schematics of the Ark.

  • Isabel: "You can reopen our portal?"
  • Anders: "No, we're going to make a Halo."
  • Isabel: "What?"

Anders open the schematics where the Replacements of the Halo Ring are stored.

  • Anders: "I've discovered the ark keeps an almost-finished ring in the central forges at all times."

She opened it, revealing the almost completed Halo replacement.

  • Anders: "It's an emergency replacement in case one of the other rings breaks down."
  • Isabel: "Rings?! You must mean GALAXY-DESTROYING SUPERWEAPONS, right?"
  • Anders: "Well, on that front, I've figured out how to disable the ring's firing mechanism. We can only launch it to one of locations of the original rings, however."

Cutter look seriously at the hologram view and he remember something.

  • Captain Cutter: "Isabel, you said the Master Chief first found a ring near enough to Reach...that would make it within range of comms could work. Anders, how long do you need?"
  • Anders: "Twelve hours if my calculations are correct."
  • Captain Cutter: "We don't have twelve hours, professor. We might not have twelve minutes."

Cutter get rid of the Ark's schematics, opening the Enduring Conviction's hologram view and pointing at it with anger.

  • Captain Cutter: "Just can't beat that right now."

Isabel scan the holographic schematics and she found some idea.

  • Isabel: "I can. I'm gonna need a littl ehelp though."

Isabel get rid of the Enduring Conviction, opening the two different terrain map.

  • Isabel: "Well, for starters I need her down there with me."
  • Captain Cutter: "Isabel..."
  • Isabel: "Sorry, sir. I've been on the Ark for a while. After recent battle reports you should have figured out that there are rules around here."

Isabel search for a place where she can potentially deals most of damage on the Ark.

  • Isabel: "I intend to break one. A BIG one."

Isabel opens he Carrier's Grav Lift and Forerunner Particle Cannon.

  • Isabel: "We'll need to split the ground forces between these two locations to buy me some time."
  • Captain Cutter: "You're taking control of ground forces, now? Buy your time for what?"

Isabel looks at the Enduring Conviction while the crew ready to engage Banshees that their strafing run again.

  • Isabel: "That ship brought these monsters. Killed everyone I was supposed to protect. Now it wants to do the same to you, I won't let that happen."

The Crew fire its Deck gun, destroying two Banshees.

  • Isabel: "It's time to show them what power really means around here."

Cinematic Cutscene ends



Mission Briefing

  • Douglas-042: "Captain, we're on site of the Forerunner particle cannon we discovered at the Cartographer. We've targeted the Banished carrier and we're ready to fire on your say so."
  • Captain Cutter: "Do it. The Spirit of Fire wasn't built to fight a carrier like the Enduring Conviction, and we can't hold it off for long."
  • Anders: "We're locked on, Captain! The cannon's not large enough to destroy the carrier, but it will immobilize it and punch a hole through its shields - if we can stay alive long enough."
  • Captain Cutter: "That's where the second part of Isabel's plan comes in. Jerome, are you and Isabel in place?"
  • Jerome-092: "Yes, sir. We're making our approach to the Banished base beneath that carrier."
  • Captain Cutter: "Good, be ready to get Isabel inside the carrier once its shields are down. Douglas, Atriox can't afford to lose that carrier, so he'll be sending all his local forces at you to stop that cannon."

Mission Summary

Protect the Forerunner particle cannon from the Banished until it breaks through the carrier's shields.

Scouting Report

Build turrets and deploy your army across Banished routes leading to the cannon.

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Leader Power Avaiable on this level

  • R&D I
  • Archer Missiles I and II
  • Restoration Drones I and II
  • ODST Drop
  • Turret Drop I and II
  • Battle Hardened I
  • Lotus Mine I and II


  • This is the only level where player will experience Turret Defense gameplay.


  • Create a killzone to prevent Banished from breaking through UNSC barricades. Turret will not be enough to slow them down.


Preceded by
From the Deep
Halo Wars 2 campaign levels
Hold the Line
Succeeded by
Under the Dark