All joking Assad, things are getting pretty Syrias. Lif is too short. Did you hear about the Italian chef? He pasta way. Mountains in South America can be quite Chile. I used to live in the Middle East but Iran away. If you're Hungary, go eat some Turkey! It is sure knife to meet you. Arabian musical instrument? A Qatar. Lenin was Russian to take control in 1917. To get rid of a computer virus, you need to take CTRL of the situation. Vlad Putin has a My-kraine. How do oceans greet each other? They wave. Getting a sunburn in France? Call that French fry. Sanders dropped out of the race because he was Berned out. Clinton's presidential campaign was Hillary-ous. Los Angeles' baseball team is quite Dodgey... The Mets were Royally destroyed on the 2015 World Series. Kansas City's Chief concern is to not choke in the playoffs. I was releaved after raking the yard. My chickens were killed. The police suspected fowl play. Cows are udderly hilarious.