
Halo Waypoint Classified

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On Halo Waypoint was a section called Classified. Terminals and other unlockables are recorded under Classified. There are five separate Data Sets: Alpha Halo Archive, Requiem Archive I, Requiem Archive II, Section 3 Archive, and Draetheus V Archive. These were found though numerous ways, most notably through the Section III ARG.


A translation of the Forerunner script

The Alpha Halo Archive includes the ten Terminals found in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary as well as the eleventh bonus terminal. The eleventh terminal is unlocked by first finding and accessing the ten terminals found in the campaign, then inputting the characters found at the end of each terminal. The characters correspond directly with the Latin alphabet. In order from the first terminal, they are: "343GS", "HALO4", "SPARK", "FLOOD", "EARTH", "DEMON", "RINGS", "ARRAY", "HUMAN", and "HAVEN". Entering each code will unlock its respective terminal in for viewing on Waypoint, and will also grant the player with 7,000 credits in Halo: Reach and a background for the Waypoint forums. Once all codes have been entered, the eleventh terminal will be unlocked, and the player will have been awarded an additional 30000 cR for a total of 100,000 credits.

Requiem Archive I is unlocked by completing at least three Spartan Ops chapters and inputting three codes: "1UK3CVYJZM", "3VGRZJ1BS6" and "Q239SF2PGZ". The first unlocks the Raider left and right shoulder pieces for use in Halo 4 and awards 500XP. The second unlocks the Raider torso and 500XP. The third unlocks the Raider helmet and 500XP. Entering all three codes unlocks the Raider art gallery, a description of the armor, the Raider emblem and an additional 500XP.

Requiem Archive II was made available with the release of the Crimson Map Pack and is unlocked with three codes: "MN7VKCZPÆQ", "WQ6F2Y1M1P" and "8PXX1SMIQU". The first code requires the player to beat the first three episodes of Spartan Ops on Legendary and unlocks the Spartan Ops Concept Art gallery, the Raider DSTT left and right shoulders, the "On Your Shield" emblem and 2500XP. The second requires the player to complete the campaign solo on Legendary and unlocks the "Legendary" gallery, the Raider DSTT torso and 7500 XP. The third and final code requires the player to complete 1000 games in War Games matchmaking and unlocks a concept art gallery, the Raider DSTT helmet, the "1K Club" emblem and 25000 XP. Unlocking all three will unlock an art gallery, a description of the armor, the Raider Distort emblem and 15000 XP.

The Section 3 Archive features nine codes. The first two are unlocked by finding all seven Terminals in the Halo 4 campaign and inputting the "Wiseguy" code ("9WE621KN8F") and the "ONI" code ("T5CE6KV3R8"). The Wiseguy code unlocks its namesake emblem, the Domain Terminals artwork gallery and 2000XP. The ONI code unlocks its emblem, the Halo 4 Concept Art gallery and 5000XP. The next three codes are known as "Day 1", "Curious" and "LASO". The Day 1 code ("M0DKEÆEMQC") unlocks an image of the "Classified" question mark with a cryptic caption "Where were you that day?" and 12116XP. It also also lists the Recruit emblem, however this emblem is already unlocked by default anyway. The Curious code ("1K3G7N17LL") unlocks the same image with the caption "How did you find me?" and 20,000XP. The LASO code ("EPGROIVIDR") is the most difficult of any code to use. To unlock the code, players must complete every level of the Halo 4 campaign on Legendary with all skulls on (LASO). Completing these criteria and entering the code rewards the player with the LASO emblem and 50,000XP. The code bears the caption, "There is no limit to your bravery and skill," and congratulates the player with the message, "Excellent work, Spartan, only the select few can truly claim the LASO honour. This emblem commemorates your incredible accomplishment." The release of the Majestic Map Pack added a sixth code, "Majestic"("GTÆRFIEU6Q"), which unlocks a Majestic Map Pack concept art gallery, 25000XP and the message "Good eye for detail." The seventh code, "Rebirth", was released with Halo: Silentium, its scrambled symbols found in the book's pages. The code ("73P1SJ66O9"), described as the "Silentium coda", awards 20,000XP and unlocks the Rebirth video: a forty-minute narration by Greg Bear, describing the reintroduction phase from the perspective of Riser, which serves as an epilogue to the novel. A few days after the release of the Rebirth code, an eighth code was released. The "Rebirth (Full)" code ("DLS1B0SXUI") grants 50,000XP and the Overachiever emblem, as well as unlocking a new version of the Rebirth video, with a different graphical display and an additional five minutes of content. The "Castle" code ("EXBBFÆKÆJ4") was released with the Castle Map Pack, and unlocks a Castle Map Pack concept art gallery, 40,000XP and the message "Nothing gets past you." The final code, the "Bullseye" code ("5PZ4VHJ8MG"), released with the Bullseye Map Pack, unlocks concept art for Pitfall and Vertigo, along with 30,000XP.

The Draetheus V Archive was made available following the release of Halo: Spartan Assault and features four codes which unlock five archive entries. The first code "Recruit" ("397ÆWKKR3Q"), which requires the Recruit achievement from Spartan Assault, unlocks 10,000 XP for Halo 4. The second code "Prodigy" ("OÆ09SS2A2V"), requires the Prodigy achievement to be unlocked , and unlocks 15,000 XP. The final code "Able Spartan" ("67706L40XV"), which requires the Powered by MJOLNIR achievement, unlocks 15,000 XP. Entering all three codes will unlock "Flying Colors", which includes 10,000 XP, a concept art gallery, and its namesake emblem. Unlocking the three codes, along with the Champions Bundle, will allow the player to unlock exclusive Halo 4 content from Spartan Assault. The fourth code, also titled "Flying Colors" (VGEN5Æ9RQW) was released on Christmas 2013. This code requires to the player to start and complete a Spartan Assault mission on the Xbox 360 or Xbox One versions of the game, and will unlock the same "Flying Colors" emblem and Spartan Assault concept art, as well as 50,000 XP. If the player has already unlocked the original three codes prior to this one, they will still unlock 50,000 XP.