The article says that the Storm Elites are part of the Jul's Faction, so why The Swords of Sanghelios wear the same armor as the Storm Elites? Shouldn't they wear the original elite armor? --Firex (talk) 12:56, 1 September 2015 (EDT)
I believe Grimbrother 1 answered this in the forums so I am going to try to emulate him. They use whatever armor they can. Alertfiend (talk) 19:10, 1 September 2015 (EDT)
- Yes, I remember Grim saying that there isn't one uniform armor that they use, the armor that they are wearing in Halo 5 is just the one most readily available. So the armor used by the Swords of Sanghelios in Halo 2 Anniversary is still in use somewhere. -- Topal the Pilot
(Talk|Contribs) 19:58, 1 September 2015 (EDT)
Swords of Sanghelios
Isn't it a bit of a stretch to assume that the SoS actually uses the Storm rank on the basis of the similar armor? The armor isn't even identical to that used by Jul's group, and in any case I don't think armor alone should be taken as a confirmation that Thel employs a similar rank structure. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 04:16, 11 September 2015 (EDT)
- Agreed. If we were going by basis or armour type alone as an indicator of rank, we'd have to say most of the Elites in Halo CE, Halo 2 or Halo 3 are the same rank. I would expect that it's a common helmet type that entered service among the Elites in general after the war, and Mdama just happens to have a lot of them he issues to his Storm Elites. We know that a lot of their materiel has been acquired, either bought or stolen, from other sources, so why not the helmets? It's notable that, in-game, we don't see Storm fight alongside Minors. In fact, Storm is the lowest rank an Elite can have in the new Covenant. It's entirely possible that the new Covenant call their Minors "Storm" because it sounds less emasculating. -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 05:49, 11 September 2015 (EDT)
IMHO I think most of the Storm Sangheili are from Hesduros due to the planet being isolated which might just mean they have older tech, same tech Thel might just bring out because maybe he has a large cache of them. As I think I read somewhere (to tired to look) that Sangheili rank up out of merit. The SoS might just be using them in a similar fashion but I would assume 343 would have different reasons. I am dazed right now so I am sorry if I do not make sense. Alertfiend (talk) 06:01, 11 September 2015 (EDT)
I believe that the storms in SoS is because Industries 343 wanted to re-use assets, like how the made the arbiter's model using H4-H5G elite base model even when is clearly a different race of sangheili. Also I'm the only one that feels that the SoS learned from humans? I mean, they don't paint bulls-eyes on their officers by giving them different armors from their low ranking soldiers and using armor colors has a rough form of camouflage. --Zen-158 (talk) 21:17, 29 February 2016 (EST)
- Obviously the out-of-universe rationale is that there's only so much space on a disc, and different character models would need room, or time to design to fit the new aesthetic. I believe a recent canon fodder explained that Storm were shock troops under the Covenant, and their radical militarism means they disproportionately continue to serve whichever factions they sided with. As for the colour, orange/red is a better colour for camouflage on a desert planet than purple, or even the green the used in Halo 3. But while we only see the Storm harnesses used by the Arbiter's troops, again, that's just a practical real-world concession. In-universe, they still use different harnesses to denote function and rank. -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 07:03, 1 March 2016 (EST)