The Mute Button
10 article edits
Basic info

February 17, 2016

Recent activity
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Hobbies & interests

Not very big on movies. I'll Netflix browse on occasion, but SciFi is my main go-to. Not much into TV tbh. I'm not entirely sure how to accurately describe my tastes, so for now I'll just say 'trash with a beat'. heheh. I don't read. Like, at all. Again, SciFi. I'm a big Xbox fan. My most recent gaming obsessions have been Halo and Destiny (unfortunately). Not big on those either. I'm super picky about food. I probably don't eat as much as I should, but I'm a pretty big sweet-tooth.

Wait why is any of this even important this is a fucking wiki. I'll mostly drink anything EXCEPT for alcohol. I dunno why, I just hate the stuff. Don't judge.

Favorite Halo moment

I'm split between 'playing it for the first time', and 'discovering how deep and expansive the lore was'. I'm only a recent fan of the series who started on Halo 4, so as a result, my opinions on the franchise and where it's going are often radically different from old-time fans.

Worst Halo moment

Realising I wouldn't be able to play Halo 5 because I don't have an Xbox One and I'm at a stage in life where I can't get one for at least a few years.

Anything else

Yeah why am I bothering to add all of this?

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