
Mission Intel

Revision as of 15:53, November 1, 2015 by Flawedspirit (talk | contribs) (Added logs I've found (and can decipher))

Template:Under Construction Mission Intel are objects found in the Halo 5: Guardians campaign. Replacing the Terminals from the previous games, Mission Intel are audio logs that fill the player in on backstories to various characters and events as well as an insight into their minds. Unlike the Terminals which were all identical in appearance, Mission Intel are depicted in different ways depending on the faction (i.e: Swords of Sanghelios/Jul 'Mdama's Covenant faction data discs and UNSC data pads). There are a total of 117 Mission Intel that can be found throughout the campaign.


Osiris contains seven pieces of Mission Intel.

Halsey Research Notes 1/4

Dr. Catherine Halsey's notes on signal observation - 00:17

  • "The signal is consistent with previous, I hesitate to call them, messages, that implies communication. This is more like, echolocation. A signal bouncing off Forerunner objects. Mapping! Searching for something. But what? What could she think to find?"

Halsey Research Notes 2/4

  • "We have penetrated the structure that was a focal point for the last signal. I have yet to gain access to anything informative. Jul's people are more concerned with ceremony than allowing me to do my work."

Halsey Research Notes 3/4

Dr. Catherine Halsey's notes on discovering a Forerunner glyph - 00:17

  • "Attained scans of new Forerunner glyphs. One is completely new. Running the other through the system revealed it contains a similar design to an ancient Sangheili symbol. This symbol referred to a demon who sleeps in the ground and must not wake. How this relates to the signal I am unsure."

Halsey Research Notes 4/4

Dr. Catherine Halsey's notes on erratic Forerunner signals - 00:15

  • "All of the readings I would expect from a Forerunner structure of this scale are erratic at best. I am beginning to wonder if the signal is in fact bouncing off these locations as I theorized or if she is trying to access them directly, and failing."

Jul 'Mdama's Log

Excerpt from Jul 'Mdama's operations log - 00:14

  • "The native defense system has been disabled, but Halsey was not able to bring the alert system down in time. Promethean forces will arrive within the hour. This human is more trouble than she is worth."

Unggoy Personal Log 005

Excerpt from the personal journal of Kibkib Yany, a Covenant Grunt - 00:16

  • "Jul 'Mdama, he say we go to Kamchatka and get big weapons, but this place is so cold. I hate it. But maybe, if weapon big enough, it can smash the Arbiter! I hope he goes squish when it happens. Or maybe pop, pop!"

Blue Team

A total of eight Mission Intel pieces can be found on Blue Team.

Test Results: Asteroidea 472A

Results of compound Asteroidea 472A tests - 00:12

  • "Compound Asteroidea 472A: results observed. We almost have a candidate here. Sufficient morbidity. Adequate LD50. However, we must shorten its half-life."

Argent Moon: Station Warning

Warning for any ONI personnel who board Argent Moon - 00:15

  • "This is Ruker, ship A.I. Argent Moon. Recording this as a warning to any ONI personnel who try to reclaim Argent Moon. Her air is not safe for humans to breathe. I repeat, her air is unsafe."

Log 2557 3-17 1231 SMT 1/4

Argent Moon log recorded by RKR 1206-5 - 00:14

  • "Difficult to record this. We now have 100% fatality rate from the Asteroidea accident. Those near the accident site died almost instantly. Liquidized from the inside out. They were the lucky ones."

Log 2557 3-19 1653 SMT 2/4

Argent Moon log recorded by RKR 1206-5 - 00:13

  • "It was vaporized and quickly entered the air system. It slowly spread through the rest of the station. Symptoms took minutes or hours to arrive, depending on distance from epicenter. None of the crew escaped its effects."

Log 2557 3-19 1654 SMT 3/4

Argent Moon log recorded by RKR 1206-5 - 00:13

  • "Following the massive failure of containment protocols, I'm making the decision to quarantine the ship. I've set a course that will keep it clear of any inhabited systems, and jettisoned what remains I can into open space."

Log 2557 9-12 613 SMT 4/4

Argent Moon log recorded by RKR 1206-5 - 00:13

  • "I am now six months past- past my expiration date. It's clear that I can't manage this station any longer. I never could, and so I am initiating final dispensation."


Six pieces of Intel can be found on Glassed.

Meridian Station

Eight pieces of Intel are available on Meridian Station.

Laser Operator's Personal Log

Meridian settler Priya Singh makes a mandated post-trauma entry - 00:09

  • "I found a body in the glass today. Shook me up. Doc Hale said I should talk about it, so here, I'm talking about it. Think I'm done now."

Meridian: Speculative Overview

A brief analysis of the extent of Meridian's glassing by William Khaleed - 00:22

  • "Meridian didn't get it too bad. They hit the human settlement hard, sure, and the plasma bombardment boiled some of the oceans off, but there was enough atmosphere to hold some steam in. Covies did a rush job, and the planet survived. Less than a third is []. So we chip away at the worst parts like cutting away the rot off an apple. Quick job. Should be done inside of twenty years.

Excavation Team Personal Log

Excavator William Khaleed discusses the emotional toll of deglassing - 00:25

  • "The plasma they use to glass planets burns so hot most stuff just vaporizes. But sometimes there's a flicker in the beam and the temp drops just enough. That's how get you stuff that's still intact. And yeah, sometimes you get bodies. It's ugly, but I didn't get hung up about it. What gets me though is the dogs. Just excavated a homestead and there was a leash leading under the porch. So I'm taking the day off."

Deglass Team Personal Log

Deglasser Micah Durbec finds biological life beneath the glass - 00:19

  • "Cleared deep the other day. Cut through what used to be a forest. Dug through the glass and cracked right into a natural cave formation. Found actual plant life and pools of standing water with little white bugs hopping around in 'em. After working sterile glass for so long, seeing those bugs done me a world of good."

Deglass Team Incident Report

Deglasser Micah Durbec reports a subterranean structure of unusual metal - 00:20

  • "Running a top-level deglass south of the populated area, and we hit some kind of metal we couldn't cut through. Ran a pulse, and we got echoes of a subterranean structure or something. I don't know, I'm not on the anthro team. The thing is, there's loose soil beneath it, so whatever that metal is, it shrugged off a direct plasma bombardment. Damnedest thing."

Settler Personal Log, ID 4259

Meridian settler Priya Singh looks for meaning in glassing aberrations - 00:29

  • "The high winds the plasma kicks up? Scatters things for miles. Stuff can get thrown into the molten soil, and if it doesn't burn up, it- it sticks like a fly in amber. Or things get caught in bubbles of ash, like inside a snow globe. Sometimes things just happen. Like finding one single house, untouched in a glass field. Figure that's just to help us remember. Make us remember."

Settler Personal Log, ID 6421

Meridian settler Michelle Rivera imagines the future - 00:17

  • "Up on a station, everything's white and gray and bland. Some folk are afraid of any place the corners aren't round. Wouldn't dream of living down here, where the ground is ash and glass. Good riddance. Few years' time, kids who come up on Meridian are going to run this system. Bet your life."

Settler Personal Log, ID 0991

Meridian settler Joyce Leblanc defends Governor Sloan's rampancy onset - 00:19

  • "I don't get the guys who spend all day worrying about Governor Sloan. You can't deny he does a hell of job. Sure, he does that thing where he talks with two voices sometimes, but most folk do the same thing. Just aren't courteous enough to do it out loud. Doesn't bother me. I know he's got Meridian's best interests at heart."


There are seven pieces of Intel on Unconfirmed.

Message from Apogee Station 1/3

Message from miner Matt Riley regarding the anomaly at Apogee Station - 00:15

  • "Governor, just got a message from []. Losing his mind. Said he found something in the rock near Meridian Station. Unknown material, and too damn big to be man-made anyway. I need to check his readings, but I wanted to give you a heads-up."

Message from Apogee Station 2/3

Message from miner Matt Riley regarding the anomaly at Apogee Station - 00:13

  • "Governor, [] talked me into letting him take a crew to see what was under the rock. He found, well, it looks like metal. Not slag. Nothing I know. I'll send you some sample readings shortly."

The History of Meridian 3/6

Free Frontier Education presents The History of Meridian - 00:19

  • "Free Frontier Education presents The History of Meridian, Part Three. Despite the early success of the Prospector Party, the Stewards gained control of Meridian after a lengthy campaign known as the Free Patriot Movement. The Colonial Administration Authority eventually recognized the Stewards, ending years of strife."

Drill Operator's Personal Log 1/2

Drill Operator Philip Mistral comments on UNSC gel technology - 00:20

  • "Equipping a team to rehabilitate a glassed planet means accounting for its extreme conditions. Uniforms have to deal with extreme cold surface temps, as well as the heat generated by drills. Liang Dortmund set us up with some UNSC-developed tech, "gel-layer" they call it. Goes on under your clothes and keeps temperatures steady. This stuff is magic."

Drill Operator's Personal Log 2/2

Drill Operator Philip Mistral addresses Meridian's air quality - 00:20

  • "I should have listened to my brother when he said taking this job was a bad idea. The air is full of tiny glass particles, rip your lungs to shreds, you breathe enough of it. Between the masks and the air filters on every building, I haven't had a breath of unfiltered air in three years. Near the same as living on a space station."


There are six Intel pieces on Evacuation.

The History of Meridian 5/6

Free Frontier Education presents The History of Meridian - 00:15

  • "After five years of near-constant fighting, Insurrectionists lost control of Meridian to UNSC forces at the Siege of Athea. Rank-and-file members of the Sundered Legion were offered amnesty by UNSC officials, although their leaders would go on to stand trial in UEG courts."

Offworld Message 3/3

Meridian settler Brandon Pemberson's final message to his loved ones - 00:14

  • "Matilda, I made it to the elevator, but now I'm stuck at the base. There's a huge line. I guess it wasn't made to carry so many people at once. I'm sure it'll be my turn soon, Matilda. I'll send you another message when I'm in orbit."


A total of seven Intel pieces are on the level Reunion.

Forerunner Record: Search 1/5

Excerpt of a recording by an undesignated Forerunner Builder - 00:16

  • "With Bastion beyond my grasp, I turned to the possibility of the Domain. However, there is corruption. The source, untraceable. Investigations, but no returns. Time grows short."

Forerunner Record: Search 2/5

Excerpt of a recording by an undesignated Forerunner Builder - 00:22

  • "Acquisition of a durance proved difficult in these final days. An ancilla has agreed to aid my efforts, yet there is concern if he will carry through. However, if Bastion has indeed achieved the impossible, I must find a way of reaching them. If that path be through death and Domain, so be it."

Forerunner Record: Search 3/5

Excerpt of a recording by an undesignated Forerunner Builder - 00:11

  • "Bastion is absent, or destroyed. Simply missing. No other facility is near enough. A new course of action is required."

Forerunner Record: Search 4/5

Excerpt of a recording by an undesignated Forerunner Builder - 00:13

  • "Bastion's location is confirmed. How, though? After dispersal of the Halos, an impossible act of reconciliation would be required. It may still be possible."

Swords of Sanghelios

Twelve Mission Intel are on Swords of Sanghelios.


Eight pieces can be found on Alliance.

Enemy Lines

Ten pieces are available on Enemy Lines.

Before the Storm

Five pieces can be found on Before the Storm.

Battle of Sunaion

Battle of Sunaion has eight Intel pieces.


Genesis has a total of ten pieces.

The Breaking

The Breaking has a total of five pieces.


Guardians has a total of ten Intel pieces.

Sangheili Personal Log 709 1/2

Covenant Elite Dham 'Mashatt remembers his squad leader, a Grunt named Bibjam - 00:23

  • "His name was Bibjam. He was a mere Grunt, scarred though spirited; past his useful years. His advice was unconventional: fight as if there was no honor in death. He guided us through victory in conflict after conflict and won't revel in our glory. He mourned every brother we lost along the way."

Forerunner Record: Alive 2/5

Excerpt of a recording by an undesignated Forerunner Builder - 00:02

  • "Bastion."

Sangheili Personal Log 709 2/2

Covenant Elite Dham 'Mashatt remembers his squad leader, a Grunt named Bibjam - 00:21

  • "As the war went on, Bibjam became more concerned with protecting us. When we finally caught him betraying our movements to the Swords of Sanghelios, he told us capture was the only way for us to avoid death. He truly believed he found a way to save us. I would not meet his gaze when I ran him through."

Sangheili Personal Log 881

Covenant Elite Thakke 'Sho examines the prophecy of the Abiding Truth - 00:16

  • "The Hand of the Didact was broken. Why have none risen to take his place? The Abiding Truth will not persist if none are left alive to speak it. If I am branded a heretic for doubting the Forerunners' promise, then so be it!"

Forerunner Record: Alive 4/5

Excerpt of a recording by an undesignated Forerunner Builder - 00:04

  • "Bastion. Bastion."