Umm... has this been approved yet? --File:GRAW Wallpaper.jpg
Blemo Talk • Contributions •
Semper Fi
Is it even real? where was this said?Radzon 15:16, 8 June 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, we're gonna need some sources here. Mind, it sounds pretty plausible, but plausible isn't definite.Kriegsaffe No. 9 22:59, 21 June 2007 (UTC)
I heard that Bungie made the "zombie" team flood warrior types, so when a "human" dies they get kicked onto the flood team
It was confirmed in the September EGM, page 73, in the bit about Forge, just below the pictures. 00:55, 8 August 2007 (UTC)
Why does someone keep putting in that the Zombie team being the Flood is "very, very unlikely?" I have never seen anything that would suggest it being very unlikely, and the Zombie team being Flood would probably both make the most sense in an in-universe sense and explain why Bungie is being so coy with the mode. In the meantime, I'm going to put a citation tag on that line, because whoever is putting it back in is keen on it staying.
Have you ever seen a flood wield a sword? Daedalus 09:32, 9 September 2007 (UTC)
I've played Infection. 'zombies' are just your regular Spartan or Elite [whichever you choose] with the "Black Glow" or "White Glow" option. That's my picture there :P
This game variant is a confirmed game variant. No you do not play as Flood. No there is no other special "zombie" race. It's just what ever armor you have and either Elite or Spartan. There are four separate types of this game. Will update page later. 23:43, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
I've seen flood wield swords and hammers, just they dont use them.
What matchmaking playlist is this game on? I haven't seen in in any of the social ones, nor any ranked ones. --EDFile:ArmyROTC.gif 15:27, 25 October 2007 (UTC)
It isn't sad;y, or not as far as i know, its an essenstially unbalanced game so it isn't Though its thriving on custom games, i usally run quite a few, add my gamertag, Ajax 013 if you want a game of it some time. --Ajax 013 16:24, 25 October 2007 (UTC)
Trivia section
The "Mmm Brains" medal might refer to the zombie movie Return of the Living Dead. It's the first (I think) and only movie I know of where the zombies talked and told a human captor they crave brains. I didn't want to take the liberty of editing myself. -- 06:16, 16 January 2008 (UTC)
"Infection is the only game variant not to be on Matchmaking"
This information is faulty. Player-created game variants, such as "iStick"(only grenade sticks count as kills, is played on Guardian) and "Blood Rain"(no idea) do not show up on matchmaking lists. Infection, on the other hand, has made it's debut on Matchmaking. I have no idea why they didn't keep it though.
Is Qusinam Protero Damno
Why does it say on the page that the deleted Running Riot placement is for Zombies? Is Qusinam Protero Damno is for humans killing zombies, not the other way around, which would be physically impossible to obtain legitimately, as stated, due to the 8 and 13 player limits in Infection games in Matchmaking. It also has the same "mushed skull" icon in the center that Zombie Killing Spree and Hell's Janitor have. I have no idea why Bungie would remove it unless they just didn't want to have to add a counterpart for the zombies, but someone should correct that.
It couldent be in matchmaking unless bungie changed the player limit, but in custom games because the 18 player limit it would be possible, just EXTREMELY hard, and impossible unless your the alpha or just the first zombie.
My point was that Is Qusinam Protero Damno was meant to be for humans killing zombies, not the other way around.
True, but if your playing custom games and your the last man standing...Papayaking 17:46, 19 July 2009 (UTC)
Team Infection
A Halo: Reach trick (that may have since been fixed) allows a player to download Bungie's Infection gametype from Living Dead and enable Teams. This results in numerous instances of gametype instability that are interesting, and that reveal some interesting information about how Infection works.
Basically, in Reach, the Initial Zombie Count setting is used to assign players to a "fake" team system hacked over the game's FFA engine. Playing Infection with the game's standard Team engine enabled results in conflicts between the standard Team engine and Infection's "Pseudo-Team" engine. When such conflicts occur, the standard Team engine takes precedence for the following factors:
- Who is the player's enemy? (Red reticule and gamertag.)
The Pseudo-Team engine takes precedence for the following factors:
- Is the player infected?
In conflicts, these factors remain unresolved and behave unstably:
- When/how should the player die? (Specifically, should they die before they're even visible and respawn instantly afterward, essentially outpacing even spawnkilling with a Halo 3 Instant Respawn hack...?)
So it's possible to, in Team Infection, have a player on the Zombie team with Human traits (because they are Team Zombie, Pseudo-Team Human). Should all other players on the Human Pseudo-Team be infected (switching to the Zombie Pseudo-Team), the last Pseudo-Human will become Last Man Standing despite being on the Zombie Team. (Players on the Zombie Team and Human Pseudo-Team happen when the number of people that chose the Zombie team in the Lobby is greater than the Initial Zombie Count.) Furthermore, when a player on the Human Team and Human Pseudo-Team is infected, their Pseudo-Team is changed but their Team is not. They remain Human on the scoreboard, and their spawns are glitched until they manually change to the Zombie Team.
Sauce. DavidJCobb 04:13, 26 November 2010 (EST)
Article rewrite
Some notes on the article rewrite:
- The article contents now make reference to changes in gametype management post-Halo 3, e.g. differentiating between "gametypes" and "game variants."
- I don't think the article should be organized into "Development History," but rather by game.
- Sources aren't available for most of the information because Optimatch was nuked. I have private archives of several key threads, including the sticky for Reach's Living Dead; however, these archives are massive (the full, perfectly-preserved contents of the Living Dead sticky span 76 pages) and are not searchable in any way. So a lot of what I've written or added is unavoidably based on what I personally witnessed at the time.
- Reach didn't offer the "Next Zombie" option because Megalo wasn't capable of persisting data between rounds. How can Megalo pick the "winner" or "chump" for the next zombie when it can't see the scores from the last round? Bear in mind: I don't know if this information is official, or if it's one of the things that modders found after the fact, when they cracked the entire Megalo engine during the Halo 4 days. So yeah -- technical limitations killed that option.
- The Reach-era change to zombie gravity wasn't noted in official changelists. I personally suggested it in Optimatch, noticed it in Matchmaking, and confirmed it by saving the game variant and examining its settings.
- I skimmed through gameplay tips and removed anything that applied to literally every game mode. "Hey, Zombies, maybe you should grab that Active Camo to remain unseen! Survivors, the Sprint ability is very useful for running away!" :P
- The Reach bug listed in Trivia -- the one that gives humans an Energy Sword -- should probably be removed. That looks entirely like a one-off bug that would occur extremely rarely as the result of lag, and we can't document every conceivable anomaly when they didn't occur reliably.
- I added a section about Reach's linear-progression maps to the Trivia section. It's totally unsourced so remove it if you like, but I personally feel that this was an incredibly valuable variety of Infection experience and it ought not be lost to time.
- I have updated the Halo 2 Anniversary information. No, there's no web source for this (to my knowledge). All I can tell you is, boot the game up and verify it yourself.
- Flood and Safe Havens need to be merged into this article because they are the exact same gametype. "Safe Havens" is the name of an Infection game variant or, alternatively, a term used to refer to settings that were added to Infection. "Flood" is Halo 4's cutesy, lore-friendly name for Infection -- literally the same gametype, albeit with the settings gutted due to a combination of unavoidable technical limitations and incredibly bad decisions. I don't come here regularly, so I'm not going to start any merge process or vote or whatever myself.
So that's an overview of the changes. DavidJCobb (talk) 23:13, 18 October 2015 (EDT)