List of REQ cards/Vehicles

Single use vehicles you can spawn in depending on how many REQ points you have. Can be spawned in your home base, or captured garages.

Image Name Rarity Energy Cost Description
REQ Card - Warthog.png Warthog Common (E3 build description and energy cost, may be subject to change)

Light UNSC utility vehicle with room for a driver and 2 passengers.

File:REQ Card - Ghost.png Ghost Uncommon 3 (E3 build description and energy cost, may be subject to changes)

Multi-role armed Covenant scout equipped with twin-linked plasma cannons

REQ Card - Wraith.png Wraith Uncommon
REQ Card - Banshee.png Banshee Rare 5 (E3 build card, may be subject to changes)

Light support Covenant aircraft equipped with plasma and fuel rod cannons.

REQ Card - Urban Scorpion.png Scorpion, Urban Ultra Rare
REQ Card - Mantis.png Mantis Ultra Rare 6 (E3 build card, may be subject to changes)

UNSC combat walker equipped with a four-barrel machine gun and multi-launch munitions launcher.

REQ Card - Phaeton.png Phaeton Legendary 7 (E3 build card, may be subject to changes)

Nimble Forerunner gunship.