Template:Under Construction This is a local archive of posts by the Halo Waypoint forum member Catalog in the year 2015. All posts and thread titles are transcribed verbatim.
Canonical posts
Halo 5 Truth
The Covenant vessels seen in this War Games map set are contemporary designs within a historical scenario.
For clarity: All War Game scenarios are combat simulations that take place within the UNSC Infinity. Many such map sets are based on actual locales - either reconstructed from fragmentary records (as in the case of the specific layout of the Undiminished Entelechy and deployment/composition of Thel 'Vadamee's Fleet of Particular Justice) or built from remotely sensed and on-site survey data for mission preparation and familiarization. Specific implementation of artistic [touches] is at the discretion of the simulation designers and [narrative] builders.[1]
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/halo-5-truth/7c25c1e2-29a4-4ef9-bf84-f9912215a0a0/posts?page=1#post17 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''Halo 5 Truth'']</ref>
Dear Catalog since it seems your still active
FlyingCreeper89 wrote:
Since I just saw you in a thread I have 3 questions that maybe you could answer?
- What are the ships seen in truth?
- Where is the main menu take place (ship, station, etc....)?
- Is the multiplayer the same concept of halo 4 (war games)
- This query is answered in more depth within a separate thread.
- Layout of environment is closely correlated with last known [symphony] of War Games environments aboard the UNSC Infinity.
- Correct.[2]
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/dear-catalog-since-it-seems-your-still-active/f4a826a5-e91d-4cbe-a609-5c1ddaa4320a/posts?page=1#post13 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''Dear Catalog since it seems your still active'']</ref>
How much does a mjolnir system cost?
Fully answering this question would require too many resources at present.For partial clarification and edification: Human [Mjolnir] combat skin platforms require extensive design and simulation refinement before being placed in production, due to the difficulty and time required for the [texo] of their [exotic composite] [lorica] shell, construction and integration of the compact [sun-star] power plant, and [alternate foundation] computing architecture. True costs to the human military was less the [transactional system units] assigned for [checkbook accounting] and more the loss of scientific personnel utilization, [precious-limited] manufacturing time at intact [high tier] [fabricae], and [mass-volume] of exotic materials required for each [bespoke] combat skin.[3]
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/how-much-does-a-mjolnir-system-cost/ea30d868-dcd6-4a3b-b4b6-d8e6b2f2460f/posts?page=1#post18 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''How much does a mjolnir system cost?'']</ref>
CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh?
[AFFIDAVIT] Participant answers that != Set(['Prefect ','Helioskrill']) are [contradictio in adjecto].[4]
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/cf-chatternet---that-s-armor-eh/88e4db4c-2972-4a77-94f9-234e9ee73b22/posts?page=4#post66 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh?]</ref>
Per Curiam - Iunius 2015
Post #1
The following reconciliation anomalies have recently been corrected. Please update local records.
Colonial Military Administration
Drug Class: Morphophetamine[5]
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/per-curiam---iunius-2015/ad812ce4-74b8-4be1-aea8-fd28cd69f2ae/posts?page=1 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''Per Curiam - Iunius 2015 (Post 1)'']</ref>
Post #2
Quote: Perhaps you can correct that nonsense about the Ur-Didact's epilogue speech being before Halo 4, as well as Saber's fate, eh Catalog? ;)
- Shadow-of-Sundered-Star's speech proved to be more complex than was immediately apparent, touching on [skeins] that [never were]. It is [suasoria].[6]
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/per-curiam---iunius-2015/ad812ce4-74b8-4be1-aea8-fd28cd69f2ae/posts?page=1#post10 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''Per Curiam - Iunius 2015 (Post 10)'']</ref>
Post #3
Quote: Wonder what caused that hiatus(in a lore point of view I mean) I was concerned that it vanished like a few of the monitors on the Halo Installations.
- [Torpor] required to prioritize higher-priority tasks. Limited functionality restored
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/per-curiam---iunius-2015/ad812ce4-74b8-4be1-aea8-fd28cd69f2ae/posts?page=2#post24 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''Per Curiam - Iunius 2015 (Post 24)'']</ref>
Post #4
Quote: What is the status of Hamish Beamish? Note: Recently acquired footage indicates that, during their assault on Circinius IV, the Covenant took note of Beamish's unmatched skills with a space mop and inducted him into their ranks to clean the floor outside their Council Chamber, where he was spotted as recently as November of 2552. Can you confirm this?
- Query Answer: [Human?] Hamish Beamish is classified as [ferae naturae] and outside the purview of current investigations.
- Reference:
<ref>[https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/db05ce78845f4120b062c50816008e5d/topics/per-curiam---iunius-2015/ad812ce4-74b8-4be1-aea8-fd28cd69f2ae/posts?page=3#post44 '''Halo Waypoint:''' ''Per Curiam - Iunius 2015 (Post 44)'']</ref>
- ^ Halo Waypoint: Halo 5 Truth
- ^ Halo Waypoint: Dear Catalog since it seems your still active
- ^ Halo Waypoint: How much does a mjolnir system cost?
- ^ Halo Waypoint: CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh?
- ^ Halo Waypoint: Per Curiam - Iunius 2015 (Post 1)
- ^ Halo Waypoint: Per Curiam - Iunius 2015 (Post 10)