Template:Character Infobox

Yutrzenika was a male Orbital Drop Shock Trooper stationed aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autumn in 2552. He was present during the Fall of Reach and the Battle of Installation 04. At the Marines' makeshift Alpha Base, he helped guard Major Silva's quarters. He hassled SPARTAN-117 about his name before First Lieutenant McKay stepped in and allowed the Spartan to pass, after pointing out some irony in the argument. [1] He was probably killed when Installation 04 was destroyed, or when the ODST-controlled Covenant battlecruiser Truth and Reconciliation crash-landed on the surface of Halo.


  • Due to his name, he was most likely of East European ancestry.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: The Flood, page 90 ("SPARTAN-117?", the smaller of the two Marines inquired. "What the hell kind of name is that?" "Look who's talking," McKay interrupted, as she approached the Master Chief from behind. "That's a pretty strange question coming from a guy named Yutrzenika.")