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There is more information available on this subject at Experience point on the English Wikipedia.

Experience points, commonly abbreviated as EXP, unit of measurements awarded to players based on their performance in a multiplayer match.

Halo 3

Along with skill, EXP determines a player's rank and advancement in rank. Points are awarded thusly[1]: You will not see if you have earned or lost EXP points until you exit to the lobby.

  • Win: 1 EXP
  • Tie (Only in Team games): 1 EXP
  • Loss: 0 EXP
  • Quitting/Disconnecting from the Match Early or Get Booted for a Betrayal: -1 EXP (does not always occur)
  • Win a Double-Exp: 2 EXP

EXP is only lost when a player leaves a match before it is over. This penalty typically only applies to team matches, in any playlist. Disconnect counts as quitting, which means that accidental quits through power or internet loss will be treated the same as quitting the match through the menu.

In a free-for-all match, such as Lone Wolves or Rumble Pit, a player is considered to have won if he finishes in the top half; as in a team match, a player wins if his team wins (multi team games involves placing 1st or 2nd, essentially the top half again).

Halo Wars

Unlike in Halo 3 experience points are earned regardless if a player wins or loses a multiplayer match. The amount of experience points a player receives is based on how well they do in the match. Although there is a skill, called Party True Skill, based system determined by wins it does not effect a player's rank. Party True Skill will go down over time if the player stops playing the game.

Halo: Reach

Similar to Halo Wars experience is determined not by a win but how well a player does in a match. Experience can also be earned in Campaign, Firefight, completing challenges, and completing Commendations.

Halo 4

Experience in Halo 4 is earned very similarly to both Halo Wars and Halo: Reach. However unlike in Halo: Reach experience can not be gained by playing Campaign. It is earned by playing matchmaking, completing missions in Spartan Ops, and completing challenges and commendations.


See also