Stephen Loftus with his Halo collection.

Stephen Loftus is a scale-modeling hobbyist known for his detailed work on scale comparison on the Halo universe. He assisted 343 Industries in the production of Halo: The Essential Visual Guide. He goes by the username "SoundEffect" on and ScaleMaster117 on Halopedia.


Loftus has been into scale modeling since 1985, focusing on ships and objects from sci-fi medium such as Star Trek, Star Wars and Gundam.[1] He founded and maintained the Maritime Science Fiction Modelers, a website formed in 1993 that is dedicated for sci-fi scale-modeling hobbyist, as a result of his invested interest in scale-modeling.

Since the release of Halo: Combat Evolved, Loftus has been producing detailed analysis on the Halo universe, focusing on the technical specifications of the technology, ships and weapons.



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