Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Mark VII/Hip

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Utility Manufacturer Lore Rarity Introduced In Unlock Requirements
Icon of the APP/Ordnance Pack Mike Utility.
AAP/Ordnance Pack Mike
Materials Group A little extra ordnance for peace of mind. Epic Season 01: Heroes of Reach Purchase the "Soldier Armor Set" from the Shop for 1,200 cR
MAT-2550/Grenade Pack
Emerson Tactical Systems A spare tactical radio and grenades go a long way when you are in harm's way. Epic Season 01: Heroes of Reach
MEDAUX Unit/Type I
Optican Medigel Applicator Unit, Single Pack. Allows for quick replenishment of the suit's internal reservoir. Rare Season 01: Heroes of Reach Purchase the "Cobalt Medic" bundle from the Shop for 800 cR
Mountain Dew and Monster Energy
Optican Medigel Applicator Unit, Double Pack. Medigel is as precious as diamondoid dust on extended patrols, or when bartering with colonials. Epic Season 01: Heroes of Reach Purchase the "Scarlet Medic" bundle from the Shop for 800 cR
Icon of the Myesel Ammo Pouch.
Myesel Ammo Pouch
Misriah Armory The two smaller containers are made for UNSC pistol magazines, but can also hold small personal items, soil samples, and other esoterica. Rare Season 01: Heroes of Reach
Icon of the TAC/MODEL 52 NAVY KNIFE.
TAC/Model 52 Navy Knife
Misriah Armory Naval special forces like to walk softly and carry a big knife. Rare Season 01: Heroes of Reach Purchase the "Looking Sharp" bundle from the Shop for 600 cR
Icon of the Vapor Eagle Utility
Materials Group Mil-spec water filter canteen with auto-disinfecting system. Rare Season 02: Lone Wolves Complete the "Pack Mentality" Ultimate Challenge between September 6 and 13, 2022.
Icon of the Watsmil Ammo Pouch Utility
Watsmil Ammo Pouch
Emerson Tactical Systems The "Watsmil"-style case is available from many off-the-shelf retailers. Epic Season 02: Lone Wolves Season 02: Lone Wolves Battle Pass level 41 (Free)
Cut To The Quick utility icon
Cut To The Quick
UNSC Cold steel and hyperdense titanium, tempered in Covenant blood and tested against Created constructs. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Season 03: Echoes Within Battle Pass level 25 (Premium)
Icon for the MX CUTTER utility.
Misriah Armory A friend in low places. Legendary Season 04: Infection Purchase either:
  • "Courier" for 1,800 cR
  • "Hazmat Haven" for 3,400 cR
UTIL/S-PAK utility icon.
Materials Group Never leave gear adrift. Rare Season 04: Infection Season 04: Infection Battle Pass level 76 (Free)
Icon for the Pogey Packs utility.
Pogey Packs
343 Industries Packed with MRE-salvaged treats. Epic Season 05: Reckoning Winter Contingency III Operation Pass level 17
Armor plate with built-in anti-snooze device. (Banished/Epic)
Fidget Keepawake
Banished Armor plate with built-in anti-snooze device. Epic The Yappening II Purchase either:
  • "Dokkaebi" for 1,800 cR
  • "Brands of Bahalo" for 3,600 cR
Icon of the "Insurance Plate" Utility
Insurance Plate
Banished A lucky shot would be unlucky for you. Epic The Yappening II The Yappening II Operation Pass level 13
Icon of  the "Scav Patch" Utility
Scav Patch
Banished Take what you can get. Epic The Yappening II Complete the "Mythic Backsmash" Ultimate Challenge between April 2 and 9, 2024.
One component of a strategic protection plan. (Korolev Heavy Industries/Epic)
Korolev Heavy Industries One component of a strategic protection plan. Epic The Yappening II Purchase the "Cestus" bundle for 1,400 cR
Gird thyself. (Banished/Epic)
Agitator Belt
Banished Gird thyself. Epic Banished Honor Purchase the "Paths to Dominance" superbundle for 3,200 cR
Banished, Legendary, Test housing for a new paradigm in combat asset tracking.
Beacon Prototype
Banished Test housing for a new paradigm in combat asset tracking. Legendary Banished Honor Purchase the "Renegade" bundle from the Shop for 2,000 cR
Just a little something to spice up the fight. (Banished/Legendary)
Crowd Pleaser
Banished Just a little something to spice up the fight. Legendary Banished Honor Purchase from The Exchange for Spartan Point 9,000
Icon for the Achilles' Plate utility.
Achilles' Plate
UNSC Every trace of wire and panel of diamondoid is laid down with skillful intent. Legendary Champions Purchase either:
  • "Achilles Ascendant" for 1,800 cR
  • "Heroic Legacy" for 3,200 cR
A mix of practical and ostentatious. (Banished/Epic)
Emissary Belt
Banished A mix of practical and ostentatious. Epic Champions Champions Operation Pass level 10
Icon for the Magister's Blade utility.
Magister's Blade
343 Industries The symbol of a Magister's authority was their distinctive tool-weapon. Legendary Champions Purchase the "Mythic Magister" bundle from the Shop for 1,800 cR
Icon for the Sovereign Petal utility.
Sovereign Petal
New Tyne Armory Signal boosters and projectors originally used for ceremonial appearances by high-ranking Prophets and their attendants. Legendary Champions Purchase the "HaloWC 2024 Championship Bundle" bundle from the Shop for 2,200 cR
Icon for the Siren Reaver utility.
UTIL/Siren Reaver
Watershed Division Whispering unquiet sounds to calm or agitate on demand. Legendary Haloween Purchase this item individually or as part of the "Stellar Eclipse" bundle for 300 cR or 2,200 cR respectively.
Icon for the Helioskrill Cuisse.
Helioskrill Cuisse
UNSC Turn the lethal blows. Epic Great Journey Purchase either:
  • "Arbitration" for 1,800 cR
  • "Delta Forged" for 3,900 cR
Your enemies are not going to catch themselves. (UNSC/Legendary)
Thremaleon Cuisse
UNSC Your enemies are not going to catch themselves. Legendary Great Journey Purchase from The Exchange for Spartan Point 9,000
Icon for the UA/ULAP utility.
Misriah Armory Thick armor on the thighs saves lives. Legendary Great Journey Purchase the "Wartime Requisition" bundle from the Shop for 2,000 cR
Icon for the Flayer Knife.
Flayer Knife
Banished As delicate or as brutal as the wielder. Epic Brute Force Purchase from The Exchange for Spartan Point 6,000
Icon for the Warmonger Plates.
Warmonger Plates
Banished Custom-crafted armor plating. Legendary Brute Force Purchase the "Warmonger" bundle from the Shop for 1,800 cR
Icon for the GTAS Upper Leg Protector.
GTAS Upper Leg Protector
Misriah Armory Rated against small arms fire. Part of the CMA's Ground Troops Armor System (GTAS). Epic Frontlines

Purchase either:

  • ODST Trooper for 1,800 cR
  • ODST Special Issue for 3,200 cR
  1. ^ Twitter, Halo Support (@HaloSupport): "An issue was discovered in the final few hours of the #HaloInfinite Tactical Ops event last Tuesday, 3/22, that prevented all event challenges from progressing. Thank you to everyone who filed a ticket at to report this issue."