Halo: Combat Evolved Trial

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Revision as of 18:25, April 28, 2008 by halowikia>Pw3djoe


The Halo Trial is a Demo version for the Halo: Combat Evolved game, for PC. It features the Silent Cartographer level, Blood gulch multiplayer level, and a Cutscene when you quit that shows Seargeant Johnson and a platoon of marines finishing an attack on the Silent Cartographer.


The icon for all the prefrences in the Mac Demo.

The player can log on to Gamespy (No account needed) and their profile will say that they are up to the level The Silent Cartographer. It also has all the normal settings information, such as audio and video settings, normal features and preferences.

Single Player


The player can play the Silent Cartographer mission. This demo is for Mac and PC, because Halo:Combat Evolved has the game for Xbox, PC, and MAC. You cannot save the game; if you click continue after quitting, you will start the level again.


Game Servers

The player can log onto Gamespy but needs to enter in the IP address. Also you can use GameRanger but you need to turn on GameRanger and you need to again enter the IP address, or you can go to the 'join game' page.

Blood Gulch

There is only a single map in the demo, Blood Gulch, capable of hosting up to sixteen players per game. There are two gametypes: CTF Classic and Slayer.


Many clans have been in Halo Trial, some of the most famous clans are r3 and BOT clans.


  • When the player closes the demo, an advertisement for the full Halo PC appears. However, one can simply bypass the advertisement by pressing Alt + F4 or by using the -novideo command line parameter.
  • The demo contains all of the weapons from the full version. Fuel Rod Canons & Flamethrowers for multiplayer and snipers are only in multiplayer.
  • The demo contains half of the vehicles of singleplayer but has a Rocket Warthog and Banshee for multiplayer matters.
  • Online in the demo there are modders and they have unique mods and common mods. Such as, the standard Scorpion in Demo mod (It also sometimes includes Ghosts and Shades), and a very famous mod that causes the Plasma Pistol to make an object rise into the air, among others.