Talk:Halo Studios

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Proposed Article quotes

"Moving forward; people won't just come here to work on Halo, they'll come here to work for 343!"
— CJ Markham[1]

"We're working very hard to finish Halo 4, but for the longer term, we have aspirations to become the best game studio in the world and I think that is essentially what we are constantly aiming and working towards that I think drives us to success."
— Neil Harrison[2]

"We're the only studio in the world trying to do something as crazy as what we're trying to do. We've brought all of these people from around the world who've never worked together before, put them all in one giant room, and give them one of the world's biggest gaming franchises and tell us to to go make it. And I guess I heard about that, thought that it was crazy and wanted to be a part of it."
— Neil Harrison[3]

Hey, does anybody feel that we should have an introductory quote within this article? 343 Industries now own the Halo IP and hence I think including a quote would be appropriate. I decided to link two I found myself; I think both of them describe 343's motivations and aspirations pretty well. If someone wants to link another quote internal to 343 Industries, go right a head.--Brute Honour Guard File:Bruteface.png ("Talk") 15:14, 3 March 2012 (EST)

Edit: I just included a quote which I originally wanted to include and correctly rephrased the second quote.--Brute Honour Guard File:Bruteface.png ("Talk") 15:39, 3 March 2012 (EST)
My vote is for the second one - firstly, it sounds less like a soundbyte, and secondly, it explains what their goals as a studio are a lot better. -- Specops306 Autocrat Qur'a 'Morhek 15:19, 3 March 2012 (EST)