Based on information from the SDCC 2011 Panel, it appears that some of the rehabilitated washouts from the Class I SPARTAN-II's (as well as Dr. Halsey) are being included in Glasslands. Where/how should this be included?

Spartan 501 02:46, 24 July 2011 (EDT)

Other characters

Do we have any confirmation that Fred, Kelly, or Linda will be in Glasslands?--ハローファン (H1234-NET) 00:39, 28 July 2011 (EDT)

They'll most definitely be in the novel; but we'll wait until we get more solid info, an excerpt, or the novel's release to add them. User:CommanderTony/Sig
Alright sounds good.--ハローファン (H1234-NET) 00:57, 28 July 2011 (EDT)
In addition to my previous question, seeing that there is a mission to Sanghelios, could Arbiter Thel Vadam make an appearance?--ハローファン (H1234-NET) 18:38, 11 August 2011 (EDT)
Yes he COULD but we don't know if they will-- 23:15, 11 August 2011 (EDT)
Okay, but please don't use caps. I intrepet that as yelling at me.--ハローファン (H1234-NET) 23:17, 11 August 2011 (EDT)

Rehabilitated SPARTAN-II

Is Sarah Osbun the "rehabilitated SPARTAN-II candidate, previously thought to have been washed out"? --Nup(T) 08:02, 28 July 2011 (EDT)

That would seem most likely. The plot summary needs an update with info from the podcast. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 08:11, 28 July 2011 (EDT)

Another New SPARTAN-II?

Anyone else really think throwing a new Spartan-II at the already broken list of S-II's is a bit much? And there's also the issue of the meeting with The Arbiter and Kaidon thingy taking place in January, 2553. That means that Arbiter was found on Earth, taken back to Sanghellios by Vadum without Vadum seeing the planet, then back to Earth for the memorial, then back to his homeworld. SomethingDifferent 04:09, 13 October 2011 (EDT)

Naomi-010 is the new S-II, forgot to name her in there. ^ SomethingDifferent 04:10, 13 October 2011 (EDT)
Maybe another rehabilitated Spartan-II? Would seem logical if Halsey actually got to saving deceased/malformed Spartans. What I'm more curious about is how Naomi survived Reach. Even with the 25 gathered there, the 3 of Grey team and all of the KIA'd Spartans, there should have been even more survivors then. --Thijsbos 04:10, 17 October 2011 (EDT)
Regarding the Arbiter not seeing Earth the first time around (during his rescue at the end of Halo 3), it doesn't seem that unusual. With the war literally just having ended, would any former member of the Covenant be safe on Earth? (Baring, of course, whomever ONI has locked up somewhere.) The delay would allow some things to settle down. AarrowOM 14:05, 26 October 2011 (EDT)

Easter Eggs

There appears to be a possible easter egg regarding Halo Waypoint. Traviss mentions several times a news agency called "Waypoint." I, at least, think it's an easter egg, but would like other opinions. AarrowOM 14:02, 26 October 2011 (EDT)

I first thought that too, when one of the quotes mentions "Waypoint Nine News". File:Colonel Grade One.pngCol. Snipes450File:Colonel Grade One.png 14:05, 26 October 2011 (EDT)

That's indeed ann Easter Egg. But Halsey's Journal also contained several news bulletins that were from 'Waypoint'. Definately an homage. There's already a page on it though.--Thijsbos 02:52, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Game only appearance list

Considering the scope of the novels, comics, etc. over video games, there should be any particular reason why we have a limited section devoted to in-universe assets (characters, locations, vehicles, etc.) for novels. Nothing in the Manual of Style, etc. suggested that this was a policy worth noting. It would be quite wise to continue to have such content on here, and for assets in other expanded universe material. I'm putting this content back on tomorrow morning (good ol' Pacific time) if nobody has anything to rebuttal concerning my recommendation. Cheers! User:CommanderTony/Sig

Standards for novel articles is to present Characters section only; this is evident in all novel articles (from FoR to Cryptum) and such practice hasn't changed till this novel was released. Also, it is not recorded in the MoS because the MoS is severely outdated. I suggest the administration team to look into these policies and style guides, and update them to promote consistency, clarity and quality. :) — subtank 19:55, 27 October 2011 (EDT)
Very well, i'll look into this later. Please void the content re-add deadline as that won't be necessary. Thank you. User:CommanderTony/Sig


Literally JUST finished Halo: Glasslands, and I must say I am thoroughly impressed with Travis' work. Is it just me or does it seem like Ms. Travis ripped out the ending style from Halo 2? Seriously, it doesn't end! It just stops!!!

Also, I would like to know some of the community's thoughts on the book, so below, put your favorite part of the story. Basically I want to ask you guys what you knew would happen before you ever read the book (so even before you even read the briefest excerpts), what you wanted to happen, and then just put your general thoughts about it. I would also like you to tell me your Rose, Thorn, and Bud of the story. Your rose is your favorite part, your thorn is your least-favorite part, and your bud is what you hope comes from the next novel.


So I guess I'll start: My Rose is Lucy beating the shit outa Halsey. Seriously. While most people I know think Halsey's right and that she shouldn't be hated. I truly hate that bitch, and I felt some kind of relief when somebody finally put that senile women in place.

Thorn: She survived -.- This is not really a thorn, just a comment: I think that the whole thing with Installation 03 should have been the end of the book. It just seemed like a good place to end the story, and possibly save the rest of it for the beginning of Halo: Glasslands 2.

I really can't think of a Bud, it's probably because I just finished reading it and can't decide what should come next yet.

What I knew what would happen before I even read it was: Would say what happen to Halsey and the gang, Halsey gets Forerunner technology, they get out of the Dyson Sphere, and that they meet some kind of intelligent life form in the sphere.

What I wanted to happen: Blue Team meets Forerunners, Blue Team discovers Forerunner Warships and uses them to do...anything, that all the Shield Worlds would be linked and that John would go to the Legendary planet and go to the Shield world and see Blue Team, and that Jorge would come out of SlipStream space inside the sphere and then they would all be frolicking in the grass forever (not really that last part).

My general thoughts: I really liked the book. Keep 'em coming, Travis! Vegerot goes RAWR! File:Icon-Vegito2.gif Vegerot (talk) 20:56, 5 November 2011 (EDT)


No? Nobody has ANYTHING to say about this? There was nothing they found notable at all???

I generally didnt enjoy the book. i thought that she left too many unanswered questions, didnt use enough facts from the previous books, and didnt write in the format that was a HALO book. She gave the AI black box a great personality, but he bacame way too human. Or the Spartans, they were to civilian. The fact that she gave them personalities that completly counteracted the stoic quiteness that we are used too, and have come too expect. i thought the book deserves a 2/5. Nothing more, nothing less. very few technology, almost no fights, gave the Sangheili human traits, and butchered what shouldve been a big read.-HTRK74JR

Remember this book is part of a series of books, so any questions in this book should be answered in future books.--Commander Halofan1234 (I say the cabal does not exist) 23:09, 1 December 2011 (EST)

Colonies left

Does halo glasslands answers questions like how many colonies are left and what the human population is like and what they are doing with forunner technology—This unsigned comment was made by Spartan Matt (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

It just talks about colonies that have been glassed and colonies that are homeworlds of the characters.--Lt. Commander 光环的家伙1234 Talk (Contribs) (Edits) 00:00, 7 November 2011 (EST)
There is some mention of integration of Forerunner tech by humans, but basically, yea it's just the glassed colonies and the characters homeworlds.File:Colonel Grade One.pngCol. Snipes450File:Colonel Grade One.png 01:32, 7 November 2011 (EST)


Somebody please update the plot section of this page ASAP. I still haven't gotten a copy, so I can't. But this NEEDS to be written, all the other pages are already. pestilence Phil, pestilence! 17:35, 11 December 2011 (EST)

No kidding, hence the reason the out of date template is on the article.--Commander Halofan1234 (I say the cabal does not exist) 17:37, 11 December 2011 (EST)
I read the book and may work on it. It seems that no one has given it a try so I might. I went ahead and changed "Plot" to say "Plot Synopsis" since its not really the whole summary. If I get a whole summary written I'll go ahead and add the "Plot" section below "Plot Synopsis".--Killamint 11:14, 21 January 2012 (EST)
Go ahead.--Spartacus TalkContribs
Sure thing commander. I'll try to have something done the end of this month or sometime next month unless someone beats me to it. I see that Halo: Primordium's plot was already posted before Glasslands' plot which is kinda funny.--Killamint 16:03, 21 January 2012 (EST)
Yeah, you should have seen how long it took Cryptum to get a summary.--Spartacus TalkContribs
Based off how long that summary is I see why. I've made some progress with summarizing Glasslands' plot. So far I'm up to page 79. And so far I believe it's going to be just as long as Cryptum if not longer. Even then I have to make sure it meets Wiki's standards so it may take longer. Not an expert when it comes to summarizing a story but I try...--Killamint 16:47, 22 January 2012 (EST)