User talk:Matortheeternal

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Revision as of 22:54, February 25, 2010 by Matortheeternal (talk | contribs)
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Sorry about my absence. I live with sociopathic-narcissistic morons, one of whom has authority over most of my belongings, so... I'll be on infrequently (if at all) 'til April. (Ugh...) In situations like this, I'm usually only able to announce planned (or compulsory) long-term absences on Twitter, so it's a good idea to keep an eye on that. DavidJCobb Emblem.svg DavidJCobb  03:56, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

Okay... Sorry to hear that. Will check your twitter actively. Hope you're back soon! Matortheeternal 02:54, February 26, 2010 (UTC)