Talk:Halo 4

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Legendary Planet

Ok so we see that at the end of Halo 3 that the Forward Unto Dawn (what's left of it) is heading towards a unidentified planet. We have an article about the planet. In the Halo 4 trailer, we see that John is awake and they are now REALLY close to it. The Halo 4 article should list the Unidentified Legendary Planet as the location for the time being. EchostreamFanJosh

Nope not Yet we don't know for sure if it's the legendary planet "A Penny saved is a Penny earned" 14:31, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
For all we know the FuD flew straight past the planet and found its way into a space station for the remnants of the Covenant.-- Forerunner 14:34, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Ok let's look at it this way. The Foward Unto Dawn is floating towards, what we have labeled it the Legendary Planet at the end of Halo 3. You're suggesting that by possibly the power of God, that the ship stops floating towards it and heads towards a completely different Forerunner looking planet. EchostreamFanJosh

I'm making a point - we have no idea how long it's been since Halo 3. I also don't recall seeing a "Forerunner looking planet" - I saw a beam of light coming out of an object that we see nothing else of.-- Forerunner 14:47, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
Onyx wasn't made of rock, so no.-- Forerunner 15:33, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
since we don't have any confirmation that it is so then well leave it as such "A Penny saved is a Penny earned" 14:43, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
Frankie hinted, or pretty much confirmed it on a G4TV interview (around the 00:45 mark) that it's the Legendary planet. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 16:06, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

So wait, were these guys just orbiting the planet for god-knows how long? Vegerot (talk) 14:36, 7 June 2011 (EDT)!

They couldn't have been gone too long, since Cortana would be completely rampant (or destroyed in the case of being gone for a very long time). People, sometimes we don't need a slap in the face word from the devs to confirm stuff. Halo 3 had a cliffhanger ending with them floating toward a Forerunner planet. Then in the new trailer, they end up being sucked in to a very familiar planet with a whole new adventure ahead. That's pretty much saying "yeah, this is the same damned planet".--File:PENGUIN4.gifFluffyEmoPenguin(ice quack!) 15:25, 7 June 2011 (EDT)

Not really, Cortana would have probably shut herself down as much as possible (i.e. Human Weakness) to avoid just that. And about what he said about the unlikeliness that they would find ANOTHER Forerunner planet; who knows how long it's been since we last saw the Chief? They could have been floating for CENTURIES, so it is not necessarily so improbable that they are at another planet. Especially considering how large the Forerunner Ecume spread. Vegerot.

  • But at the other side, we DON'T know how long John and Cortana were underway when we watch the legendary ending...right? —This unsigned comment was made by Bdgroot-117 (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
Yep, we have no idea how long they've been floating when they approach the planet. Alex T Snow 19:08, 21 June 2011 (EDT)

M6G Personal Defense Weapon System

I can confirm it is used in-game because Forward Unto Dawn wouldn't have updated technology, unless somebody came on, and gave it to John-117 himself. -Spedster777, Administrator of the Saints Row wiki. 16:37, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Halo 3 didn't have an M6G that fired explosive rounds either, which is what the pistol in the trailer seems to do. It's way too early to make the conclusion that a specific gun will appear in the game, especially when all we've seen is a pre-rendered trailer. So please stop adding that into the article.--Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 16:50, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Or maybe 343 decided to screw us over and began to lay the nails in Halo's coffin. They're screwing all kinds of things over. -Whiskey Lima

I also added Trivia up there about what 343 did mess up with, but somebody removed them. -Spedster777, Administrator of the Saints Row wiki. 16:46, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Again, we only accept information that is sourced and confirmed, otherwise it is regardled as speculation. The sidearm may very well look like the M6 but that doesn't necessarily mean its the M6G. Edit warring is unacceptable, do not resort to it or the page will be locked down. If you disagree, discuss on the talk page and make a conclusion. - File:Major.png Nìcmávr (Tálk) 16:51, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Is it just me or did a rocket come out of that pistol? At first I though MC was just testing it or something, but after watching it about five times, I'm pretty sure he shot a rocket that blew up the wall ahead of him. Andrew996 16:47, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Could be a tracer. Furthermore, what prevents the Forward Unto Dawn from carrying explosive M6G ammunition? Just because we never saw the pistol fire explosive rounds in 3 doesn't mean it can't. It's the same calibre ammo.--The All-knowing Sith'ari 17:16, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
It doesn't look like an ordinary pistol to me - more like a miniature grenade launcher. Watching the trailer frame-by-frame, one can see the whole upper part of the weapon flip open when it's reloaded. The "attachment" part seems like it could be the grenade it fires. There's also a small display on the side of the weapon and "rails" where the attachment - or grenade - goes, visible near the end when the Chief stands up. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 19:17, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

It's also worth remembering that everything in the trailer is still pre-production - for all we know it was just artistic license SPARTAN-347 17:21, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Actually, the game has been in production at various levels for three years now as per Producer Ryan Payton, this trailer was using external CGI. User:CommanderTony/Sig

For the sake of completeness, we should remember that the M6 Sidearm series does indeed fire high explosive rounds, just not five-inch wide explosive canisters as the unidentified weapon apparently does. And I agree with Jugus: the weapon in the trailer does not seem to be a traditional pistol; rather it seems to be a cut-down or downsized version of a grenade launcher. As a side note, I believe it would also be beneficial to treat the "jetpack" as a hitherto unused integrated thruster pack designed for zero-gravity maneuvers in order to preserve equipment continuity. After all, except for Halo 2, we haven't seen the Mk VI MJOLNIR operate in zero gravity while under adverse conditions; and even in Halo 2, the camera was fairly far away. I know that there was never any mention of one, but we could have missed such a thruster pack's exhaust... Possibly. For your consideration, --Bruce2401 02:30, 7 June 2011 (EDT)

Well those two bit that stick out of the back do look like exaust ports, and they've never done anything before, so it could very well be a built-in jet pack, that he hasn't needed to use until now. The grenade launcher looks like it's based off of the M6 series, and there are a lot of variants. Alex T Snow 04:04, 7 June 2011 (EDT)
^Agreed on the pistol/launcher Alex. The two are probably in the same series. Haha, anyone feel up for an M6-Doorbuster? I feel I should clarify my view on the thrusters: they would be specifically designed for zero-gravity, not as a "jump pack" like in Halo: Reach. They're easier to explain away in that case. --Bruce2401 07:08, 7 June 2011 (EDT)

It was my understanding that the pack on the back of the MJOLNIR Mark VI Powered Assault armor was the nuclear reactor that powered the assault armor (thus the name powered assault armor). But could it be possible that the reactor could vent a small amount of its energy, therefor "thrusting" itself like a thruster pack? And about that pistol. Guys, do you know how much 500 years is? I'm sure that the UNSC have developed ammunition that is capable of making an explosion that of a modern day grenade (or bigger, considering that that explosion happened in space)Vegerot (talk) 13:32, 7 June 2011 (EDT)!

*Sith'ari drools over possibility of .50 calibre pistol rounds with the power of 40mm grenades*. Does this suggest that the Semi-Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive rounds fired by the M6 series have a variable yield?--The All-knowing Sith'ari 13:36, 7 June 2011 (EDT)
Wow, didn't think of that. *imagines a little computer screen that John punches numbers into to make a big explosion* Hell yeah! Vegerot (talk) 14:23, 7 June 2011 (EDT)!!
^ I was watching the trailer on a 48-inch screen at 1080p, the attatchment that John-117 places on the weapon at the end is actually another round, there was no traditional bullet. That thing looks to be at least two-by-five inches; I think we should treat it as some form of grenade and not a HE bullet. Vergerot: good point. If the suit vented some of it's energy by heating an onboard reservoir, NOT the oxygen supply, and then blew it out of those two ports then that would make a very effective T-pack. But the two vents that extend on on the dorsal side do need to be explained, so I would say the suit has an integrated thruster and does not merely vent gas to behave as though it does. --Bruce2401 18:49, 7 June 2011 (EDT)

Or it could be both of them combined. Like the heating in your car, it vents the heat to it, and it heats the reseviour that thrusts the person. So it is not like it was something that John improvided on the spot (but you do have to give John some credit, I mean, he just woke up and then he did all that maneuvering and crap on the spot (and Cortana too, as she speeds up his reactions). Vegerot (using the iPad, and I can't figure out how to. make thet signature symbol)

If one were to read Ghosts of Onyx one would realize that all apartan armour has intergrated thruster packs.Sierra259 11:02, 29 June 2011 (EDT)

^ Are you speaking of how Ackerson got hold of Liutenant Kurt Ambrose by means of sabotage? Those were add-on packs, not integrated. If you're referring to something else please reply with a chapter number or something; that'll provide some much needed context. Thanks!--Bruce2401 01:14, 30 June 2011 (EDT)

New info

It's found here:

I think it's safe to say it isn't canon until otherwise confirmed? But I do think it gives some nice stuff to talk about either way. Personally I like that plot very much, finally fighting other humans and possibly a new Alien race neither Covenant, Human, Flood or Forerunner :D. The Needle Launcher isn't something new, it has been speculated and cut since halo 3. --Thijsbos 05:39, 10 June 2011 (EDT)

It's made up. Confirmed by Frankie. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 05:54, 10 June 2011 (EDT)

Chief's Armour

I'm just asking if it is worth adding a note about chief's armor to certain articles. I understand that artistic liberties have probably been undertaken the trailer depicts an almost new or upgraded suit of armour (changed helmet, chest, gauntlets, legs, jetpack). As some artiles have speculative sections, I'm sure an educated, carefully constructed section in regards to this is necessary pending further information. SomethingDifferent 19:52, 12 June 2011 (EDT)

The rest of the gang.

I strongly remember that Kerin Travis was going to be continuing the Master Chief's AND the other SPARTANs' story. So from the trailer one could arguably assume that that series was scrapped. But the question is if the basic plot will be transferred. I honestly hope not, because if these SPARTANs take off their armor every other second I'm gonna have a bf (you got to see White Chicks, funny movie!). Vegerot.

The novel series is set after the end of the war, and doesn't centre around the GoO gang or John.-- Forerunner 00:12, 13 June 2011 (EDT)
If it's still happening at all, that is.--The All-knowing Sith'ari 09:25, 14 June 2011 (EDT)
Just because Eric Nylund can write a bestseller in seven weeks doesn't mean that everyone else can. It took quite a while for Halo: Cryptum to come out after its announcement and the less said about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the better.-- Forerunner 10:10, 14 June 2011 (EDT)

New info from Frank O'Connor This video is an interview with Frank, he gives some info about Halo 4 towards the end and offers a few brief tidbits concerning Master Chief's new look and mentions that the game is not immediately after Halo 3. I'm not sure how to go about adding this info to the article but I thought I'd let everyone know--Soul reaper 09:45, 22 June 2011 (EDT)